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TechInnovation 2023 showcases more than 100 latest technologies and innovations in sustainability, health and well-being and AI in healthcare from our partners in Hong Kong SAR, Korea, Japan, Singapore, Slovakia, and Thailand. Enterprises interested in these technology offers can register at to meet these technology providers and arrange for your 1-1 business meeting.

Intelligent Communities Lifecycle (ICL) Digital Twin Suite
With a focus on built environment, the digital twin technology developed by a Singapore SME offers a suite of tools to model, analyse and continually optimise entire groups of buildings, portfolios, communities, cities and resource networks across their lifecycle, providing a truly scalable solution to decarbonise the built environment. Bridging the gap between the real world and simulation, the digital twin enables the energy efficient design and continuous operational optimisation of not just single but entire groups of buildings. The digital twin solution investigates operational problems using AI and machine learning, engaging the community feedback in real time. It improves operational decisions by understanding where to focus attention on and facilitate decision making by the building operators. The technology owner is seeking partnerships with large building portfolio owner, product developer, IoT solutions provider who can deploy the digital twin solution for their clients.
Filtration System for Redox-based Lithium Battery Material Recycling
Recycling of lithium-ion battery material is becoming an increasing necessity and to execute that task in an environmentally friendly and cost-effective method is as important. The novel method of recycling spent battery material using a redox flow battery approach requires the solid spent battery material to react with liquid electrolyte in the tank. The proposed technology by a Singapore-based research team relates to an electrolyte tank filtration system designed to allow solid particles to freely mix and react with electrolyte in the tank of the flow battery system, while being filtered and prevented from entering the pump and cell stack. The holder is designed to be simply placed into and removed from the electrolyte tank, and subsequently, for the easy removal of the solid from the holder itself. This innovation will allow the continuous running of the flow battery system while changing the filter periodically. The research team anticipates that companies planning to utilise redox flow battery recycling method would require the use of such a filter system to reduce the downtime of the entire system. The team is seeking to collaborate with an industrial partner for further research and development of the filtration system and subsequent licensing of the technology for commercialisation.
Remote Partial Discharge Detection, Monitoring, and Identification System
Partial discharges (PDs) are early indicators of the deteriorating health condition of high-voltage electrical assets in power distribution networks. PDs are caused by localised dielectric breakdowns within assets such as generators, transformers, and switchgears. Left undetected, the health of the assets can deteriorate and lead to irreversible damage, posing safety hazards such as fire and explosion. Therefore, there is a need to detect and monitor PD events to ensure asset health and safety to extend the life time.  This technology offer is a compact PD sensor equipped with a fast detector which can be mounted on assets to detect and monitor PD events 24/7. The system integrates a wireless platform, allowing remote retrieval of information about the times of PD occurrences and source identifications (IDs). This information can be used to trace and identify PD emitting sources. By using the proposed technology to detect and monitor PD events, early signs of asset degradation can be identified. This allows necessary preventive measures to be taken to avoid unexpected failures and damages, saving costs associated with repair or replacement. Additionally, the technology enhances safety by minimizing the risk of fire and explosion caused by PD-related damages. Overall, the proposed technology helps ensure the health and safety of high-voltage electrical assets, while reducing costs and downtime associated with unexpected failures and damages.
Nanofabricated EMG Sensor for Muscle Activity Detection
This invention is a portable electromyography (EMG) sensor for muscle activity detection.  Unlike conventional EMG devices, which are bulky and confined to clinic settings, the sensor is built to be compact and wearable. It enables real-time, reliable biofeedback regardless of user’s location, bridging the accessibility gap in EMG analysis outside the traditional medical environments. This portability is achieved by integrating reusable micro-structured electrodes and highly integrated sensing system onto a soft and flexible substrate. The design ensures accurate EMG detection while offering a comfortable experience for extended use. The technology consists of three main components: Use of nanofabrication to build the electrodes followed by electric signal detection, replacing conventional gel electrodes. A processing unit for amplification to digital signals. Software to visualize EMG signals. The EMG sensor performance and analysis capabilities allows for collection of signals at high frequency to monitor muscle fatigue conditions. The technology owner is seeking for collaborations in the sports and fitness industry in providing accurate muscle activity signals, enhancing tracking of individual’s physical health actively and for athletes to make optimal adjustments to their training and tailor their approach towards fitness goals. However, its applications extend beyond fitness, with potential uses in elderly health care, virtual reality, gaming, and human-robot interaction. This technology taps into the growing demand for advanced, portable health monitoring systems, offering a solution that bridges the gap between medical-grade equipment and consumer fitness products. The sensor is also currently being trial to aid in rehabilitation in the hospitals.
Nanoscale 3D Printed Optical Elements for Security Applications
Nanoscale 3D printed optical elements are the next-generation security features in physical products to combat the globally evolving problem of counterfeiting. Due to the design of complex structures with ultra-high resolution, nanoscale 3D printed optical elements are extremely difficult to copy by other means, while producing special optical effects for authentication.
Flexible Neural Probe for Brain Activity Monitoring and Mapping
Neural probes are used for capturing electrical activities and for exploring functional connectivity in the brain. For neural probes to be effective and be able to capture the activities happening at the scale of neural cells in vivo, they need to be small, made of bio-compatible material, and ideally, be flexible. This ensures that they do not trigger an inflammatory response or have a risk of breakage.  The technology presented here covers the requirements stated above for an ideal neural probe. The probes are flexible and allow superior precise targeting even with movement. The technology employed also avoids breaking and micromotion during the in-vivo trials. The probe’s design is also customizable for different requirements and can support combination of single/dual side, linear/tetrode, recording/stimulating/mixed and single/multi shank configurations for differing use cases. The probes can support up to 32 channels and provide multiple connectivity options for integration. 
Ultraspectral Vision Based Corrosion Detection Probe
Corrosion of metal structures is often addressed as one of the main prevailing problems in aerospace, petrochemical, marine, automobile and aeronautical industries. Most of the currently existing technologies for corrosion detection lack sensitivity and focus on direct viewing, which restricts defect detection in difficult to access areas such small channels, technical cavities, pipelines, tunnels, oil wells and others. A flexible ultraspectral imaging-based probe, capable of providing more than hundreds of spectral bands would be the best choice in case of sensitive and early stages detection of defects and corrosion in human inaccessible area. This invention discloses a portable specialised imaging probe that uses fast (snapshot) and non-destructive imaging technology for early detection of stresses, contamination, and corrosion.  
A Multimodal Brain-Controlled Soft Glove for Hand Rehabilitation
This innovative device combines visual and tactile stimulation with motor imagery-based electroencephalography (EEG) recognition to facilitate comprehensive hand rehabilitation. The glove uses EEG electrodes to capture brain signals associated with visual and tactile stimulation. Advanced algorithms analyse these patterns to determine the user's intentions and translate them into appropriate motor commands. Additionally, the glove utilizes motor imagery-based EEG recognition, where users imagine performing specific hand movements. The wearable glove is designed with flexibility and versatility in mind. It employs pneumatic actuators strategically placed to exert pressure on specific hand muscles and joints. This allows the glove to provide customizable assistance and resistance during rehabilitation exercises.  The target market for this glove includes individuals who have experienced hand impairments due to various conditions such as stroke, spinal cord injury, traumatic brain injury or neuromuscular disorders. It is suitable for both acute and chronic stages of hand rehabilitation. Patients, caregivers, and rehabilitation centres can benefit from this technology by incorporating it into their rehabilitation programs thus enhancing the recovery process and improving functional outcomes. 
AI Driven Detection of Human Skeletons for Video Analytics
By leveraging Artificial Intelligence, this invention can detect human skeletons in a video and quickly analyse that information for posture and movement. This allows the solution to identify abnormal behaviour and other situations more precisely and effectively. In the context of a long video, this invention can capture the context information and focus on specific portions to detect multiple anomalous scenarios in real-time. This includes scenarios such as abuse, drowning, safety incidents, traffic accidents, fighting and criminal behaviour.