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Technology International Co-innovation Funding Calls

Seeking Proposals for EUREKA Eurostars Call 8
The Eurostars call for project is Eureka’s flagship co-innovation programme for SMEs wishing to collaborate on R&D projects that create innovative products, processes or services for commercialisation. Companies from Singapore and any of the other 36 Eureka member countries are welcome to participate and collaborate. Companies from Singapore and any other Eureka member country are welcome to participate and collaborate with organisations of all types – from SMEs and large companies, to Research Institutes (RIs) and Institutes of Higher Learning (IHLs) – in leading and emerging markets. While projects of all sectors are welcome to apply, we are especially interested in projects of a deep-tech nature involving RIs and IHls (fundable as a subcontractor or consultant). Successful projects can be partially funded by Enterprise Singapore. More information about Eurostars and participating countries can be found here.
Seeking Proposals for EUREKA Eurostars Call 7
The Eurostars programme is Eureka’s flagship R&D call, where you can participate in joint innovation projects with more than 45 other countries. The Eureka Eurostars programme, under the European Partnership on Innovative SMEs, supports international R&D and collaborative innovation projects. Companies from Singapore and any other Eureka member country are welcome to participate and collaborate with organisations of all types – from SMEs and large companies, to research organisations and Institutes of Higher Learning (IHLs) – in leading and emerging markets. The programme is open to projects from all sectors, as long as it results in a new product or solution. To have a successful Eurostars application you must: Define your project idea Collaborate internationally, sharing expertise Develop products, processes or services that can be easily commercialised More information about Eurostars and participating countries can be found here.
Seeking Proposals for UK-Singapore Collaborative R&D Call 2024
Are you a UK or Singapore technology company looking for partners to co-innovate on product development, top on R&D funding and access new markets? The UK-Singapore Collaborative R&D Call offers UK and Singapore companies the opportunity to develop ready-to-market solutions for products, technology-based services or processes. Enterprise Singapore and Innovate UK will provide access to public funding for selected projects that have strong market potential for Singapore, UK or the international market. The call for proposals is open to all technological and application areas. We would particularly welcome applications in the following sectors: Advanced Manufacturing & Materials; Agrifood Tech; Mobility & Transport; Cybersecurity; and Health & Life Sciences More information about the call and the application process can be found here.
Seeking Proposals for Singapore–China Yangtze River Delta (Jiangsu) Joint Innovation Call
Are you a Singaporean or Jiangsu-based company looking for partners to co-innovate on product development, on top of R&D funding and access to new markets? The Singapore–China Yangtze River Delta (Jiangsu) Joint Innovation Call is jointly administered by Enterprise Singapore and the Jiangsu Department of Science and Technology (JSTD). This programme aims to encourage research and development of innovative products and applications, with commercialisation as the end goal. Singapore companies keen to embark on joint innovation projects with Jiangsu companies can receive potential funding support from Enterprise Singapore by participating in a joint call for proposals for Singapore–Jiangsu technological R&D projects. Project partners must cooperate on a joint innovation project that will focus on developing innovative products and applications in any technological and application area. We would, however, particularly welcome applications in the sectors of: Life Science Information and Communication Technology Green and Low Carbon Technology New Materials Advanced Manufacturing
Seeking Proposals for India-Singapore Collaborative Industrial R&D Call 2023
Are you an Indian or Singapore technology SME looking for partners to co-innovate on product development, top on R&D funding and access new markets? The India-Singapore Collaborative Industrial R&D Call offers Indian and Singapore companies the opportunity to collaborate on joint projects in the R&D of innovative products and applications, with the end goal of commercialisation. Enterprise Singapore and Technology Development Board (India) will provide access to public funding for selected projects that have strong potential for the India, Singapore, or international market. The call for proposals is open to all technological and application areas. We would particularly welcome applications in the following sectors: Agriculture and food science and technology;  Advanced manufacturing and engineering;  Green economy, energy, water, climate and natural resources; Data science, emerging technologies; Advanced materials; Health and biotechnology; and  Other areas of interest (if any). More information about the call and the application process can be found here.
Seeking Proposals for 4th France-Singapore Joint Innovation Call (Apr'23 – Jun'23)
The France-Singapore Joint Innovation Call offers French and Singapore companies the opportunity to collaborate on joint innovation projects with each other. Proposals focusing on developing innovative products and applications in any technological area are welcome. Applicants are expected to develop ready-to-market solutions for products, technology-based services or methods which have strong potential for the French, Singaporean and/or international market. Enterprise Singapore and Bpifrance will provide access to public funding for jointly selected projects. The programme aims to encourage the development of ready-to-market solutions for products, technology-based services or methods that have strong potential for the French, Singapore or international market.
Seeking Proposals for UK-Singapore Collaborative R&D Call 2023
Are you a UK or Singapore technology company looking for partners to co-innovate on product development, top on R&D funding and access new markets? The UK-Singapore Collaborative R&D Call offers UK and Singapore companies the opportunity to collaborate on joint projects in the R&D of innovative products and applications, with the end goal of commercialisation. Enterprise Singapore and Innovate UK will provide access to public funding for selected projects that have strong potential for the UK, Singapore or international market. The call for proposals is open to all technological and application areas. We would particularly welcome applications in the following sectors: Advanced Manufacturing & Materials; Agrifood Tech; Mobility & Transport; Cybersecurity; and Health & Life Sciences More information about the call and the application process can be found here.
SIIRD Call for Proposals (Nov’22 – Feb’23)
Are you an Israeli or Singapore company looking for partners to co-innovate on product development, tap on R&D funding and access new markets? This opportunity might just be what you are looking for! The Singapore-Israel Industrial R&D Foundation (SIIRD) aims to promote, facilitate and support joint R&D projects between Singapore and Israeli companies to create innovative products and applications, with the end goal of commercialisation. SIIRD is a collaboration between Enterprise Singapore (EnterpriseSG) and the Israel Innovation Authority (IIA), and funding support will be provided for Singapore and Israeli companies whose projects are approved.  The call for proposals is open to all sectors, with the exception of pure military-use products. Enhanced support will also be offered for projects in the following sectors: Agritech and Foodtech Healthtech More information about the submission process can be found on the SIIRD website, along with the full set of application templates.
Eureka Clusters Information Technology European Advancement 4 (ITEA4) Call
Are you a Singapore technology company looking for partners to co-innovate on product development in the area of software innovation? ENTERPRISESG is delighted to participate in ITEA4 2022, which supports ecosystem creation in the domain of software innovation! The ITEA4 Call is an initiative as part of the Eureka Clusters Programme, which provides Singapore companies the opportunity to collaborate on software innovation projects in domains such as smart mobility, healthcare, smart cities and energy, manufacturing, engineering and safety & security. Successful Singapore companies can receive up to 70% funding support.   Potential to work with >200 MNCs and corporates through this call. Access partners across European MNCs, government agencies, research institutes, SMEs and universities from 35 participating countries, companies can gain access to the innovative value chain of corporations like Bosch, Philips, and Volvo etc.
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