Innovation Marketplace


Co-create solutions for today's market needs

Supporting our partners in their innovation challenges across multiple sectors, we open avenues for start-ups, enterprises and researchers to co-innovate with leading corporates and government organisations. Innovators with the right solutions can engage in co-development, test-bedding and bring their ideas to market.

Industry Category - Decarbonisation Living Lab (DECAL) @ JID Innovation Call
The Industry track calls for startups, SMEs, IHLs and RIs to respond to a challenge statement posted by the industry (JTC and her tenants/lessees). Companies that meet eligibility criteria for grant application may also be provided with funding support to develop the solutions. 
Open Category - Decarbonisation Living Lab (DECAL) @ JID Innovation Call
The Open category calls for startups, SMEs, IHLs and RIs to co-develop and testbed your innovative solutions with JID tenants & lessees under one of 3 themes. Companies that meet eligibility criteria for grant application may also be provided with funding support to develop the solutions. 
Ace Water Open Innovation Challenge 2023
Ace Water Open Innovation Challenge 2023 is a dedicated platform for Ace Water to engage the innovation communities and seek technology solutions and partnerships to solve business challenges. Selected technologies will be invited to test-bed their technology at Ace Water’s Water Technology Sandbox.
JTC Innovation Challenge 2023_ Sept Edition
JTC has committed $4million for the JTC Innovation Challenge to seek innovative solutions to operational challenges in the built environment faced by JTC and the public sector. If successfully developed, there is intention to pilot/deploy these co-developed solutions into JTC estates and projects, pushing for adoption into the industry.
Panasonic Innovation Challenge
Crowdsourcing @ Panasonic is a dedicated open innovation platform for Panasonic Corporation to engage the innovation communities and seek technology solutions and partnerships to solve business challenges.   
L’Oréal Innovation Challenge
Crowdsourcing @ L’Oréal is a dedicated open innovation platform for L’Oréal to engage the innovation communities and seek technology solutions and partnerships to solve business challenges.
HDB Call for Proposals: Future-Proofing HDB Lift Operations (FHLO)
Future-Proofing HDB Lift Operations (FHLO): HDB is looking out for solutions which contribute towards a built environment that promotes residents’ physical, mental and social well-being, and create healthy towns for people of all ages.  
HDB Call for Proposals: Enhancing Impact Noise Insulation for Flats
Enhancing Impact Noise Insulation for Flats: HDB is calling for solutions which is durable, easy to install and effective in attenuating inter-floor impact noise.
Panasonic Innovation Challenge Beauty
Crowdsourcing @ Panasonic is a dedicated open innovation platform for Panasonic Corporation to engage the innovation communities and seek technology solutions and partnerships to solve business challenges.   
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