
Built Environment

With limited land and a densely populated urban environment, Singapore has embraced advanced technologies and sustainable practices across construction, infrastructure, and urban design. Guided by the ambitious targets of the Singapore Green Plan 2030, Singapore is leveraging a wide range of innovations to address key environmental challenges. From energy-efficient building systems to smart infrastructure and sustainable construction materials, these technologies aim to reduce carbon emissions, optimise resource use, and improve climate resilience.

Enterprises can look to co-developing innovative products and services by tapping on IPI’s curated list of technologies that contribute to Singapore’s sustainable urban future, while unlocking new opportunities in the evolving built environment sector. This ensures that Singapore’s urban areas remain vibrant, sustainable, and adaptable to future environmental challenges, positioning this city-state at the forefront of global green urbanisation efforts.

Clean and Safe Indoor Air Quality Solution Using Far-UVC Technology
In the wake of the COVID-19 pandemic, people have developed new expectations for indoor air quality. It is no longer just about ventilation and purification, but also about providing clean and safe air for a healthier environment. Traditional UVC technology (254 nm) has been widely used in HVAC systems and air purifiers to disinfect airborne pathogens. To ensure its effectiveness, sufficient contact time is required, hence it is often used in unoccupied spaces due to safety concerns.  This solution utilises human-safe 222 nm far-UVC technology which has been shown to be able to effectively inactivate airborne pathogens while maintaining safety since it does not penetrate the outer layer of human skin or eyes. This allows for continuous disinfection of air in occupied spaces. By integrating 222 nm far-UVC technology into HVAC system, including air purification, air monitoring and IoT management platforms, the company offers a complete solution for clean and safe air. With integrated capabilities in both R&D and manufacturing, the company can provide tailor-made solutions for different industry applications. They are seeking collaborations with real estate developers, chain restaurant operators and pathogenic air sampling technology experts to further develop and commercialise this solution.
Fungal-like Adhesive Materials (FLAM)
Fungal-like Adhesive Materials (FLAM) represent an innovative family of materials inspired by the cell walls of fungus-like oomycetes. FLAMs are engineered by organizing the two most abundant and widely available natural molecules in their native configuration, resulting in a material that is lightweight, durable, and highly cost-effective. This groundbreaking composite is fully biodegradable, eliminating the need for organic solvents or synthetic materials, making it an eco-friendly alternative. FLAM can be locally produced as part of natural ecological cycles, contributing to sustainable manufacturing and ensuring long-term resource security for industries. In addition to its sustainability benefits, FLAM’s versatility allows it to be easily molded or processed with traditional manufacturing techniques, opening the door to a wide range of applications across various industries. This technology has been locally produced in Singapore as a by-product of waste management. The technology owner is looking for collaboration in test-bedding. FLAM can replace the use of plastic and wood in many applications. 
Cost-Effective Spray Coating for Passive Radiative Cooling in Buildings
Rising global temperatures have increased energy demands for cooling, driving up greenhouse gas emissions and worsening climate change. To address these issues, radiative cooling offers a passive, energy-efficient solution by emitting heat through infrared radiation in the 8–13 µm range, where minimal atmospheric absorption occurs, allowing heat to escape into space. This can significantly reduce energy consumption while providing a sustainable cooling. The technology owner has developed an innovative droplet-shaped coating specifically designed for building roofs and construction materials. This cutting-edge coating efficiently dissipates heat through radiation, lowering surface temperatures by 1-3°C and reducing electricity consumption by 5-15%. Crafted from a clear polymer and applied through a cost-effective spraying process, this cooling coating preserves the original colour of the substrate. It offers a powerful solution to combat rising temperatures and reduce the carbon footprint, making it ideal for homeowners, construction material manufacturers, and businesses seeking to lower energy consumption and operating costs without compromising the visual appeal of their properties. The technology owner is interested in R&D collaboration and test-bedding with building materials manufacturers, property developers, and construction companies. The technology is also available for out-licensing to paint developers and manufactures.
Novel Self-Cleaning Nano Coating for Sustainable Solar Panel and Glazing Applications
With the rise of urbanization and an increasing emphasis on sustainability, durable self-cleaning coatings are crucial for maximizing solar panel efficiency and reducing building maintenance costs. In urban areas, solar panels can lose over 50% of their energy output due to surface contamination, while pollutants on building surfaces drive up the maintenance costs and degrade aesthetic appeal. Current self-cleaning coatings often suffer from poor adhesion, limited functionality, and lack of durability, limiting their industrial adoption. To address these challenges, the technology owner has developed a novel self-cleaning nano coating for sustainable photovoltaic (PV) panels, as well as building and automotive glazing applications. Leveraging cutting-edge polymer graft modification and nano-encapsulation techniques, this transparent multifunctional coating offers durable hydrophilicity, high photocatalytic performance, and anti-reflective properties. Upon spray application, the coating quickly forms a high-density, super-wetting nanofilm at room temperature. It can effectively reduce organic and inorganic pollutants under visible light, boosting solar panel efficiency by 15-20%. In addition to glass, this coating is applicable to various building surfaces, including cement, metallic, and composite panels. The technology owner is seeking R&D collaborations and test-bedding partnerships with industrial partners, such as PV manufacturers, building owners / developers, construction companies, and transportation sector to integrate this coating into their products and applications.
Cross Platform Web-Based Remote Monitoring and Control Solution
This software platform is a revolutionary remote monitoring and control system designed to address several critical challenges faced by various industries. Problem Solved:  Centralized Monitoring: Many customers struggle with the lack of a unified platform for real-time monitoring of devices, leading to reliance on manual interventions and multiple scattered tools. The software consolidates the management of IoT devices across diverse locations into a single interface, streamlining operations.                        Data Analysis Challenges: Businesses often find it difficult to extract meaningful insights from collected data due to time-consuming manual analysis. The software automates this process, enabling users to interpret trends and identify potential issues effortlessly.  Data Visualization and Alerts: Users frequently lack intuitive interfaces for visualizing device data or receiving timely notifications. The software provides customizable dashboards and configurable alerts, allowing proactive management of potential problems. Target Market: The software platform caters to a wide range of sectors including facility management (monitoring HVAC, lighting, energy consumption), industrial operations (predictive maintenance), agriculture (environmental monitoring), and smart cities (traffic flow and air quality). Market Need: The technology addresses a significant gap in the marketplace by offering an integrated solution that enhances efficiency, reduces operational costs, and improves decision-making through advanced data visualization and automation. This software positions as a valuable asset for organizations seeking to optimize their monitoring processes and resource management. The technology owner is seeking collaboration with system integrators, facility management teams, IoT companies, and startups.
Cost-effective and More Durable Antimicrobial Coatings
Controlling the spread of pathogens is crucial in high-traffic areas and healthcare environments. This can be achieved through environmental control methods like sanitising surfaces to prevent diseases from spreading through contaminated surfaces. However, it is labour intensive and impractical to sanitise all surfaces continuously. Antimicrobial coating is an effective way to retard the spread of pathogens on surfaces by inactivating bacteria, viruses and fungi when they contaminate a surface. Despite being commercially available, the cost and durability of the anti-microbial coating technology can still be further improved. Common commercial coatings that are available to consumers have a gradually diminishing antimicrobial strength and mostly only last a few months. It is also difficult for some coatings to adhere onto slippery surfaces like plastics. To address these challenges, the technology owner has developed a cost-effective process to fabricate more durable, high performance antimicrobial coatings on different materials, including glass and plastic. They are seeking industry partners interested to co-develop, scale up and commercialise this coating for various applications.
Ultra-Thin and Customisable Coating for Passive Cooling
The growing impacts of global warming and rapid urbanization have amplified the demand for innovative thermal management solutions. Urban areas are particularly vulnerable to rising temperatures due to the urban heat island (UHI) effect, where cities become noticeably warmer than rural regions. This leads to higher energy demands for cooling, resulting in increased electricity consumption, rising energy costs, and a greater carbon footprint. To tackle these challenges, the technology owner has developed an energy-efficient and versatile cooling coating designed to reduce heat absorption on various surfaces. By incorporating uniformly dispersed nanofillers into the coating, this solution effectively maintains cooler interior temperatures, reducing the reliance on energy-intensive cooling systems. Ultimately, it results in a significant energy saving and a lower carbon footprint. The adaptable coating can be applied to buildings, vehicles, greenhouses, and other infrastructure, providing protection against thermal degradation. As sustainability and energy efficiency become increasingly important, this eco-friendly solution aligns with market trends in green building practices, urban heat mitigation, and cost-effective energy management. The technology owner is actively seeking partnerships with relevant industrial partners to explore IP licensing opportunities for this technology.
AI Solution for High-Risk Industry Safety Management
High-risk industrial sectors, represented by the chemical industries, are prone to experience production safety accidents. When these incidents occur, the consequences can be severe. Traditional risk management methods, often rely on manual processes, have limitations such as insufficient oversight, incomplete management, and ineffective control. These methods also struggle to provide timely pre-incident warnings, active interventions during incidents, and reliable post-incident evidence collection. To address these challenges, the technology owner has developed an intelligent industry solution leveraging cutting-edge artificial intelligence (AI) technologies, such as computer vision, the Internet of Things (IoT), and big data. By integrating enterprise camera systems with algorithms on server platforms, it establishes an advanced risk detection and management platform based on intelligent video analysis. This platform enhances the safety management through comprehensive risk perception and control, proactive hazard identification, predictive warnings, and visual decision-making assistance. Ultimately, it realizes comprehensive safety and intelligent management capabilities for high-risk industrial enterprises. The technology owner seeks collaboration with industrial partners interested in artificial intelligence, such as companies in chemical and energy sectors, as well as hardware providers, such as manufacturers of surveillance cameras, to co-develop and implement this technology to meet specific needs.  
Intelligent Sanitization Monitoring
The National Environment Authority (NEA) has highlighted urinal overflow as a common issue in malls and coffee shops, yet effective solutions remain limited. An Intelligent Sanitization Monitoring System is designed to address this challenge while enhancing the performance and reliability of sanitary fixtures. Operates non-intrusively, the system continuously monitors water flow through sanitary fixtures, detecting early signs of blockage. Upon identifying a potential obstruction, it automatically stops water flow to prevent overflows and minimize damage. Additionally, the system tracks and wirelessly transmits usage data to a central gateway, providing more accurate insights than traditional human traffic data. This allows for reduced cleaning frequency and improved water conservation. To further enhance the system, a water meter—whether conventional or non-intrusive—may be installed to monitor potential leakage or abnormal water usage. If there is constant water flow despite the sanitary ware not being in use, it may indicate a leak in the system. Such water monitoring data could be further developed for application in various areas, including but not limited to BTUs, chillers, or even underground pipes. By proactively managing water flow, the system not only protects infrastructure but also conserves water through optimal use. It integrates seamlessly into existing setups, requiring minimal maintenance and offering a cost-effective solution for both residential and commercial environments. This technology reduces maintenance efforts, optimizes manpower, and contributes to a safer, more sustainable environment, providing peace of mind to users and property owners alike.