Providing Insight into the Science and Art of Technology and Competitive Intelligence at AUTM Asia 2016
AUTM Asia 2016, the gateway for academic research institutes, industry and technology transfer professionals was held from 16 to 18 March 2016 at Chiang Mai, Thailand. Focused on promoting technology transfer and exploring IP opportunities in Asia, the event was attended by over 300 participants representing 25 countries. AUTM Asia 2016 provided an excellent platform for global and regional technology...
IPI Participates in AUTM Annual Meeting 2016
IPI participated in the annual meeting of the Association of University Technology Managers (AUTM) in San Diego, California. Held from 14 to 17 February 2016, the renowned event is a gathering of global technology transfer professionals from academia and industry, and other experts in the field of licensing and intellectual property (IP). It provided an excellent platform to network, share...
IPI Participates in SME Convention 2016
The SME Convention 2016 incorporating the first Government Procurement Fair was held on 28 January 2016. Focused on providing insight into how SMEs can grow through internationalisation, innovation, leadership and management, the event was attended by some 500 C-level and management executives.  Dr Sze Tiam Lin, Director, IPI, participated in the panel discussion on ‘Accelerating Growth Through Technology Adoption’ where...
Singapore Public Agencies Call for Proposal
The industry along with the public agencies face key challenges such as manpower shortage, increasing need to improve productivity and limited technology adoption. With the tightening of local labour market, there is a need for step-change improvements in the productivity of both private and public entities. Through this call for proposal (CFP), public agencies can collaborate with private enterprises to...
Singapore: a Gateway to Southeast Asia
The entry of Singapore into the Enterprise Europe Network in May 2015 opens a whole new range of opportunities for European SMEs. Made up of 99% of SMEs, the Singaporean business ecosystem is indeed very similar to that of Europe. With the entire country occupying an area smaller than New York City, Singaporean enterprises have long understood the need to...
Seminar on Robotics: Past, Present & Future
The audience was transported into the fascinating world of robotics in a half-day seminar, titled ‘Robotics: Past, Present & Future’, on 11 December 2015. The event was organised by Automated Micron Assembly Pte Ltd and supported by IPI. Invited speaker, Eimei Onaga, CEO & President, Innovation Matrix, discussed the evolution of robotics, its applications and insights into the future. Mark Onaga,...