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Leveraging our wide network of partners, we have curated numerous enabling technologies available for licensing and commercialisation across different industries and domains. Enterprises interested in these technology offers and collaborating with partners of complementary technological capabilities can reach out for co-innovation opportunities.

Gut Microbiome Assessment for Enhancing Healthspan
Within one’s body, approximately 100 trillion microorganisms, mainly bacteria, coexist. Surprisingly, these microorganisms outnumber the number of cells in the body by a staggering 300-fold. These tiny inhabitants play a crucial role, producing both beneficial and harmful metabolites that your body cannot generate. Essentially, they function as a concealed vital organ within you. Research indicates that the majority of these microorganisms, about 95%, reside in your gut, where they exert a significant influence on approximately 70% of your immune system and are closely linked to the development of 90% of non-communicable diseases. Consequently, the gut microbiome stands as one of the most remarkable scientific discoveries of the past decade. Unlocking the secrets of one's unique gut microbiome composition holds a key to health monitoring, predicting medication effectiveness, and tailoring treatments. Notably, the gut microbiome closely correlates with dietary and lifestyle choices and can be modulated to prevent health issues rather than merely correcting them. However, the lack of comprehensive knowledge and databases in Southeast Asia represents a significant gap in this field. Bridging this gap promises to yield invaluable insights and drive future healthcare breakthroughs. Utilising 16S rRNA sequencing technology, precise identification and quantification of an individual's gut microbial composition from stool sample has become possible. Using advanced algorithms to analyse raw gut microbiome data, honed through a curated list of microbial biomarkers and a specialised ASEAN gut microbiota database, the technology is able to provide a comprehensive and individualised health report that assesses the gut microbiome's current state correlating that to an individual's health and potential disease risks. Moreover, this analysis enables the creation of personalised dietary recommendations, with the goal of enhancing an individual's healthspan. The continuously expanding gut microbiome database serves a dual purpose: facilitating the discovery of microbial biomarkers and deepening the understanding of disease pathways, uniquely tailored to ASEAN populations. This cutting-edge approach leverages advanced sequencing technology, data analysis, and regional insights to provide valuable insights into gut health and promote overall well-being. This technology spans a wide spectrum of healthcare and well-being applications: Overall Health Prediction: Empowering proactive health prevention strategies. Early Disease Detection: Utilising distinct microbiome profiles to identify various stages of disease progression, enabling effective screening for non-communicable diseases like metabolic disorders, gastrointestinal issues, cardiovascular conditions, and neurological diseases. It also facilitates the design of personalised nutrition programs aimed at disease reversal. Personalised Nutrition Plans: Customised to individual requirements, including weight management and athletic performance optimisation. Precision treatment: Discovering microbial biomarkers and insight of disease pathway to help the development of precision drug/treatment development. 2nd Generation Probiotics: Pioneering the development of innovative probiotic solutions with more specific health benefits, distinct from traditional probiotics commonly found in the Western world. The global human microbiome market size for 2023 is projected to reach USD 770 million, exhibiting a remarkable compound annual growth rate (CAGR) of 16.37%. This growth is underpinned by four major trends shaping the microbiome therapeutics market: Pushing Gut Microbiome to the Mainstream: Microbiome therapeutics are expanding beyond the digestive system, finding applications in immunity enhancement, weight management, stress/anxiety relief, vaginal health, and skincare. Increasing Consumer Awareness: A significant portion of the population in the USA and Europe, as per online surveys, is now actively using microbiome products, reflecting a heightened awareness of their potential benefits. Growing Interest from Big Pharma: Major pharmaceutical companies are showing a growing interest in microbiome-related research and therapies, recognising their potential in improving health outcomes. However, data from Southeast Asia remains underrepresented in this domain. Intensified Research and Clinical Development: The field is witnessing a substantial increase in both basic research and clinical studies. The number of publications on microbiome-related topics has surged from 1,177 in 2010 to 6,964 in 2015. Likewise, the number of studies has risen from 31 in 2010 to 632 in 2020, highlighting the rapid evolution of this area of science and medicine. This technology has enabled advanced personalised health prevention solutions that have been meticulously crafted for ASEAN individuals, featuring: Precision Analysis from ASEAN Populations: Leveraging an extensive ASEAN gut microbiome database, ensuring the utmost accuracy in assessments. Comprehensive Gut Microbiome Profiling: Providing a thorough and detailed understanding of an individual's total gut microbiome for a better understanding of their interactions. Tailored Dietary Recommendations: Offering practical dietary solutions specifically designed for local preferences and needs. User-Friendly Health Monitoring: Serving as an intuitive and invaluable tool for health monitoring and tracking, making it easily accessible and helpful for individuals. Gut Microbiome, Microbiome, Microbiology, Precision Medicine, Personalised Medicine, ASEAN Microbiome, Health & Wellness, Wellness, Health Healthcare, Diagnostics, Pharmaceuticals & Therapeutics, Life Sciences, Biotech Research Reagents & Tools
Multiple Inputs Based Intelligent Irrigation System
Developed a cutting-edge IoT-based Irrigation System, uses proprietary algorithms and a suite of integrated hardware to intelligently optimize watering schedules based on various inputs like soil moisture levels, raining status, weather forecasts, plant species, and soil moisture needs. This smart irrigation system has been built to address the common issue of water waste and poor irrigation management in agriculture, horticulture, and landscaping sectors. Potential users for this technology are large-scale farmers, landscapers, gardening centres, municipalities managing public parks, and property management company seeking smart community solutions. This innovation aims to revolutionize irrigation management by providing an efficient, data-driven irrigation system that not only optimizes watering for different plant species but also significantly reduces water consumption and system maintenance needs. The system is composed of an array of IoT devices such as soil moisture sensors, rain sensors, water valves, and a cloud-based intelligent algorithm platform. It leverages the LoRaWAN wireless communication technology for reliable, long-range data transfer. Current State-of-the-Art solution is timer based, watering at fixed schedule, this leads to water wastage when watering continues even if the plant is hydrated. The unique multiple input-based (Eg. Soil moisture level, weather condition etc) intelligent algorithm developed is the core technology that facilitates optimal watering, to water only when the plant is in need of water. This can reduce the water consumption significantly. This system can be monitored and controlled via a user-friendly web portal, making remote management of irrigation systems possible. Additionally, the system only needs to carry out minimal number of devices/installation. The ideal collaboration partners would be IoT device manufacturers, cloud service providers, agritech companies, landscape companies and property developers. This IoT-based Irrigation System finds its use in several industries like agriculture, horticulture, landscaping, and smart community management. The technology can be deployed in large farms, public parks, golf courses, residential gardens, and greenhouses. The system forms the basis for smart products like automated sprinkler systems, drip irrigation systems, and advanced home gardening solutions. The global smart irrigation market is huge, driven by the rising need for efficient watering systems and growing concerns about water conservation. This technology, with its intelligent algorithm for optimal watering and water-saving capacity, has great potential to capture a significant share of this fast-developing market. This IoT-based Irrigation System stands apart from the current "State-of-the-Art" due to its unique, multiple input-based intelligent algorithm, enabling optimal watering based on various critical parameters, unlike traditional systems. It seamlessly integrates with LoRaWAN technology for efficient long-range communication. Its value proposition lies in its ability to significantly reduce water consumption due to minimal watering while keeping the plant healthy, installation cost and maintenance needs due to the minimal number of devices/installation required, making it a cost-effective, environment-friendly, and efficient solution in the area of irrigation management. Green Building, Sensor, Network, Building Control & Optimisation, Infocomm, Wireless Technology, Environment, Clean Air & Water, Sensor, Network, Monitoring & Quality Control Systems
Automated Edible Insect Protein Fractionation Process
The production of insect protein powder is currently a batch process that is labor intensive and has issues with product consistency upon scale up. This technology uses automation to upscale the edible insect (House Cricket; Acheta domesticus) protein fractionation process. This will allow for the processing of 1 ton of the cricket raw material per hour and produce 3-4 tons of the protein powder per day. It is a scalable, zero-waste process that reduces overall operation costs (taking time, labor, energy into account) by roughly 30%. It is also applicable to other insect species and can be customizable to produce insect protein products according to customers’ needs. The cricket protein powder has a higher quality, consistency and safety than other insect protein products and meet international standards for global markets. It is an alternative to meat and plant-based protein and contains naturally higher nutritional values (70% protein content, complete amino acids, BCAAs, dietary fibre, and micronutrients). High value by-products are also obtained from the main process including oil and chitin that can be used in cosmetics and supplements. Automated continuous process Specification of the technology: feed input: max. 1 ton raw material /hour output capacity: max 3-4 ton powder/day control heat treatments: max. 110 C with 2 steps component fractionation > drying > pulverization > sieving > bagging Specifications of the cricket powder Particle size: <80 Mesh Colour: Light brown Appearance: Uniformly fine powder Flavor: Mild Storage: Ambient and dry Shelf life: 19 months at 25°C Allergens: Shellfish, May contain soy Contains >70% protein, <14% fat and 4.5% carbohydrates Technology Insect farms looking to process their raw materials Cricket Powder B2B Food manufacturers Food service Sports Nutrition Health and Wellness Shown application in protein blends, shakes, pastas, noodles, snacks, bars and bakery recipes The growing world population leads to increasing protein costs making it unaffordable for many people in developing countries. Insects are seen as an inexpensive source of protein that is increasingly being approved as a food source by regulatory authorities around the world. The global edible insect market and valued at $294.9 million in 2017 and is projected to grow at a CAGR of roughly 10% till 2024, when it is estimated to reach $722.9 million with insect-based protein food and beverage products (products that use insect as a source of protein) accounting for more than 40 percent. (Persistence Market Research, 2018) Scalable process with automation suitable for mass production Reduce energy and operational costs by at least 30% with minimal loss as compared to other insect protein processes High product consistency Fully utilize all parts of the insects with minimal waste Products are of high quality and high safety standards to improve consumer perception Extended shelf life due to reduced oxygen exposure Flexible and efficent process for any insect species Edible insect protein, Automation, Sustainable Technology, Low carbon, Cricket, Insect protein fractionation Foods, Ingredients, Processes, Sustainability, Food Security
Biointelligence Platform and Enabler for Personalised Health and Wellness Journey
Non-communicable Diseases (NCDs) are the leading cause of death globally, responsible for 74% of deaths worldwide. It is predicted that, by 2060, total deaths of NCDs per capita will increase by 52%, while those of communicable diseases decline. However, more than half of the deaths are preventable with lifestyle adjustments. Personalised healthcare and wellness have the potential to help people live longer, healthier lives, and to reduce the burden of chronic diseases. As technology advances, drawing connections between genetic data and personal insights is becoming more  prevalent. The use of genetic data ranges from lifestyle change and intervention to disease prevention. This Thai startup offers a biointelligence platform, founded to equip health professionals with comprehensive genetic information regarding patients’ or users’ predisposition to serious disease risks, which could be prevented or detected earlier. Together with an enabler platform for personalised health and wellness journey, they are able to provide tailored solutions for improved health and wellness, starting with the use of genetic data. The technology owner is seeking partners in Singapore, such as supplement manufacturers, wellness clinics, and wellness tourism, to co-develop personalised solutions that integrate the use of genetic data to help people live longer and healthier lives. The biointelligence platform was developed by a robust R&D team comprising data analysis and health professionals, and features the following: Analysis algorithm: In-house developed ethnic-specific algorithm with leading institutes, covering various applications in the industry. DNA test kit: Professional-grade (FDA-approved) and easy-to-transport (national coverage) Mobile applications: User-friendly, actionable, and highly-personalised by both health goal and DNA profile Mass usage for preventive healthcare, especially for non-communicable diseases (NCDs) Personalised self-care based on individual health goals, such as nutrition, skin and beauty, weight control, etc. Sports performance enhancement and injury prevention (both individual and team sports) Medical tourism and wellness tourism The global personalised medicine market, which includes personalised nutrition and wellness, is expected to reach over US$5.7 trillion by 2030, growing at a CAGR of 11.6% from 2022 to 2030 (Precedence Research, 2022). The startup has estimated a serviceable addressable market of $540.4 billion within SEA. Versatile usage of personal genetic composition data for various health and wellness purposes Robust research and development capability for further development of solutions Professionally-accepted among top medical and clinical institutes DNA test, preventive healthcare, personalised health and wellness solution, personalized health and wellness solution Personal Care, Wellness & Spa, Nutrition & Health Supplements, Healthcare, Diagnostics, Life Sciences, Biotech Research Reagents & Tools, Sustainability, Sustainable Living
3D-printed Surgical Devices and Porous-based Implants For Optimal Bone Integration
This cutting-edge technology is setting new benchmarks in global healthcare with its focus on precision and personalized surgical devices and porous-based implants, particularly within the domain of oral and maxillofacial procedures. One of the primary challenges in contemporary surgical treatments has been the pervasive reliance on standardized devices. Such generic solutions often lead to prolonged surgical durations and extended recovery periods. In contrast, this innovative technology offers a resounding solution by providing 3D-printed surgical devices meticulously tailored to fit individual bone anatomies. The hallmark of these devices lies in their enhanced porous design, which significantly accelerates bone ingrowth and thus curtails healing times. Drawing from extensive clinical evidence, these devices have consistently demonstrated marked improvements in surgical outcomes. The underlying prowess of this technology hinges on advanced design principles and state-of-the-art manufacturing processes. By implementing a two-scale porous-based topology optimization approach, these medical devices are engineered to ensure anatomical conformity, robust mechanical stability, and optimal biological compatibility. As a result, they not only promote accelerated bone ingrowth but also ensure the mechanical integrity and longevity of the device. Poised at the crossroads of design excellence and medical proficiency, this technology is on track to redefine global healthcare standards. At the heart of this advanced medical solution lies an array of technical features designed for the modern surgical landscape: Personalized Design: The technology employs 3D remodeling and bone segmentation to generate medical devices tailored to individual bone anatomies. This ensures a perfect fit and reduces complications arising from mismatches. Two-Scale Porous-Based Topology Optimization: A notable design feature is the use of a two-scale porous-based topology optimization, ensuring devices maintain a balance between anatomical conformity, mechanical stability, and biological compatibility. Material Excellence: The devices are manufactured from biocompatible 3D-printed Titanium alloys. This material choice assures durability while conforming seamlessly to the patient's anatomy. Enhanced Osseointegration: The devices exhibit a meticulously crafted porous architecture. This design accelerates bone ingrowth without compromising the device's mechanical strength, promoting rapid post-surgery recovery and tissue stability. Comprehensive Surgical Solutions: The suite of tools includes cutting guides for precise tumor removal and patient- specific plates for impeccable facial contouring. Automated Design System: The creation of the devices is supported by an automated design system, which is proficient in 3D remodeling, bone segmentation, and swift device design, ensuring scalability and patient-centric solutions. High Mechanical Integrity: Leveraging advanced additive manufacturing processes, the technology can virtually validate the mechanical integrity and dimensional accuracy of the printed devices, thereby ensuring their long-term reliability in clinical settings. This state-of-the-art technology holds transformative potential across a spectrum of surgical and healthcare environments, fundamentally reshaping the approach to personalized medical treatments: Oral, Maxillofacial and Dental Surgeries: At the forefront of its applications is the enhancement of oral and maxillofacial procedures. The technology aids in surgeries from mandible reconstructions and orthognathic surgeries to chin adjustments and porous-based dental implants, enabling superior patient outcomes. Tumor Removal: With specialized cutting guides, precise tumor excisions are facilitated, increasing the efficiency and accuracy of oncological treatments. Facial Contouring: The meticulously designed patient-specific plates, made from high-grade titanium alloys, deliver unparalleled results in facial contouring surgeries, granting patients improved facial symmetry and aesthetics post- operation. Orthopedic and Specialized Surgeries: This technology is versatile enough to cater to a range of intricate operations, including spinal screw drilling guides, ankle rotation devices tailored for diabetic patients, and sacral reconstructions. Complex Surgical Planning: Local hospitals, even those that might not traditionally have access to advanced equipment, can now offer more complex surgeries. The precision tools and pre-planned approach allow medical facilities to undertake challenging surgical procedures with increased confidence and predictability. The 3D printed implants and medical device industry is poised for significant growth, reflecting the burgeoning demand in healthcare and dentistry sectors. The global oral and dental services market, currently valued at $302.7 billion in 2022, is predicted to skyrocket to a staggering $497.2 billion by 2028 (Grand View Research). This robust growth is propelled by several intertwined trends: the rise of an aging society, a universal shift towards precision medicine, and heightened awareness about health and hygiene. Moreover, the increasing prevalence of dental and periodontal diseases underscores the imperative for advanced medical solutions. Technological advancements in dentistry, combined with a growing appetite for cosmetic dentistry and preventive care, have further catalyzed market expansion. Within this vast landscape, the oral and dental 3D printing segment stands out prominently, valued at $3.2 billion in 2022 and projected to nearly triple by 2027. Factors accentuating this explosive growth include the rapidity, precision, and reduced labor intensity of dental 3D printing processes. Furthermore, the Asia Pacific region is emerging as a pivotal player in this upswing, forecasted to grow at a compelling CAGR of 22.6%. This region's surge is attributed to the rising demand for digital oral and dental solutions and an uptick in dental tourism. Notably, this market potential estimation exclusively considers maxillofacial and orthognathic solutions, leaving room for even more expansive growth when considering porous dental implants, another sector with a booming forecast (7.6% CAGR between 2022-28). Leveraging the capabilities of 3D printing, this technology offers medical devices that set a new benchmark in precision and personalization. Central to its innovation is the porous-based structure of the devices, which promotes better integration with surrounding tissues and optimized healing post-surgery. This distinctive feature ensures that each device, tailored to individual anatomical needs, surpasses the general fit and functionality that traditional methods achieve. Constructed from high-grade materials like titanium alloys, these 3D printed devices not only promise durability but also the benefits of porous designs, ensuring improved patient outcomes. The blend of 3D printing and porous structure also enhances the versatility of applications, from oral surgeries to orthopedic procedures. Moreover, it democratizes access to high-quality healthcare. Medical facilities of any scale can harness this technology, broadening their service offerings and delivering unparalleled patient care. The technology's hallmark lies in its synthesis of 3D-printed precision, porous-based design, and expansive applicability, distinguishing it significantly from conventional solutions. 3D printing, additive manufacturing, personalised medicine, dental implants, implant, titanium implant, personalised implant, oral surgery, maxilofacial surgery, bone, 3D printed bones, surgical implant, precision medicine Healthcare, Medical Devices, Manufacturing, Additive Manufacturing
Fully Bio-based, Biodegradable and Compostable Bioplastics
The use of bioplastics has grown rapidly in recent years as consumers and businesses become more aware of the environmental benefits of these materials. However, there are still some challenges that are inherent to bioplastics such as high costs in comparison to fossil-based plastics and that not all bioplastics are derived from bio-based sources, biodegradable or compostable. These materials also face processing limitations and lower mechanical properties which often results in the combination of fossil-based polymers being added to improve these properties. This technology aims to address these factors to increase the adoption of bioplastics in more applications. The technology is a new bioplastic material that is fully bio-based and compostable. Based on a reactive processing technology combining polyhydroxyalkanoates (PHAs) with other biopolymers and bio-based polymers, the resultant blend provides unique properties such as biodegradability (soil or water) and compostability (industrial and home). The material blends can be designed for processing using standard plastic processing technologies and modified for a wide range of mechanical properties. The technology owner is interested in co-development and out-licensing opportunities with Singapore plastic processing companies looking to develop new products/applications with bioplastics. The technology comprises of reactive blending of PHAs, with other biopolymers such as starch and bio-based polymers to provide the following characteristics: Biodegradable (soil or water) Compostable (industrial and home) Exhibits improved mechanical properties than conventional bioplastics (improved toughness, tensile strength, and elongation) Suitable for use with standard plastic processing such as injection molding, extrusion, fibre spinning, film blowing, film casting, thermoforming etc Special grades available for medical applications (tissue engineering) Potential applications of this technology includes (but not limited to): Sustainable packaging solutions for food, industrial and personal care Agriculture e.g., mulch films Automotive e.g., interior and exterior components Healthcare e.g., medical devices and equipment Textiles Derived from renewable plant sources Inherent biodegradability Enhanced material strength and durability Customisable to address diverse applications’ needs biobased, biodegradable, bioplastic, packaging, polyhydroxyalkanoates, PHA, polymers, compostable, blend, degradation, material, sustainable, processing, injection molding, extrusion, fibre spinning, film blowing, casting, thermoforming Materials, Plastics & Elastomers, Bio Materials, Chemicals, Polymers, Manufacturing, Chemical Processes, Sustainability, Circular Economy
AI Platform for Auto Defect Classification, Equipment Automation, and Root Cause Mapping
In precision manufacturing, the ability to maintain optimum efficiency and accuracy is of critical importance. This AI Platform addresses these challenges by utilizing proprietary self-improving AI models for Automatic Defect Classification (ADC). This innovative solution incorporates AI Equipment Automation and Root Cause Mapping and provides a comprehensive system that significantly enhances production efficiency. The system seamlessly integrates Equipment Risk Analysis into existing alert mechanisms thus reducing downtime and increasing yield. At its core, it operates as a robust AI platform, featuring a user-centric interface for Machine Learning Operations (MLOps). This promotes recipe-free inspection while maintaining compatibility with a broad range of third-party software. The technology is modular and provides smooth productization of multiple AI solutions thereby increasing the effectiveness of defect inspection and analysis, assisting in equipment error recovery, and providing insights for process optimization. The technology offers an attractive solution for manufacturers across different industries interested in increasing their production efficiency and improving product quality. The technology features AI at its core to provide multiple AI tools in a modularized form for different inspection, maintenance, and process control related tasks common in precision manufacturing industry: High precision recipe-free AI based visual defect inspection and classification. Root cause mapping for indicating errors in upstream process. Non-intrusive equipment run status monitoring and error assist using learned behaviour from UI messages and operator interventions. Equipment health monitoring and logging. Equipment insight generation for process optimization and recipe refinement. Checklist based assistance and tracking for preventive maintenance and assists. Predictive maintenance capability. Ideal collaboration partners span semiconductor manufacturers, pharmaceutical firms and other precision manufacturing industries, hardware manufacturers for the production and upgrades of the vision systems, and research institutions focusing on AI. This technology has applications  in the manufacturing operations for the following industries: MedTech Pharmaceuticals Semiconductor Electronics Automotive Precision Engineering Aerospace With the projected growth and with production schedules becoming increasingly demanding, the ability to harness the power of artificial intelligence for predictive maintenance, process optimization, and quality control is a game-changer. These tools not only enhance the overall productivity but also enable companies to maintain a competitive edge in an ever-evolving landscape.  This technology is particularly attractive to these markets due to its ability to drastically reduce scrap rates and improve OEE (Overall Equipment Efficiency), thereby leading to significant cost savings. The growing trend of automation and AI adoption in manufacturing presents a substantial market opportunity for this technology.  The unique value proposition of the AI platform lies in its increased precision, flexibility, scalability, and seamless integration into existing manufacturing ecosystems: The solution does not require a complete overhaul of the existing setup. The solution includes a full toolset for autonomous operations - standalone AI assisted inspection, preventive maintenance, modules for reducing machine downtimes and manual assists (OEE). All actions taken are fully tracked for unique insights, root cause analysis, assisted recipe creation and process optimization. Flexible and capable of integrating techniques, like hyperspectral imaging, for insights into material properties among others. Modular and capable of adapting to various operational needs spanning different industries. Cost effective and easy integration to existing manufacturing lines. Manufacturing, Assembly, Automation & Robotics
Upcycling of Egg White Waste from Salted Egg Yolk Production
Egg white is a well-known super-food as an absolute protein with a complete essential amino acid profile, easily digestible, and no cholesterol. While salted egg yolks are a common ingredient in many traditional Asian dishes, the egg white is discarded as it has limited applications due to its high salt content. This technology valorizes the salted egg white waste from the production of salted egg yolks into a tofu-like form that has many culinary applications. This is done using a patent-pending technique that is developed for desalination and reformation of egg white protein. The process uses a thermal membrane technique to desalinate the egg white and then aggregate the egg white protein from the salted egg white sidestream. The current production volume of this product is 50 kg/day. The egg white product is 100% natural with no additives. It comes in the form of a semi-gel “tofu”. Per 100 g of tofu, it contains 54 kcal, and 307 mg of sodium with a 12.5% protein content wet weight basis. Its texture is firmer and more chewy than regular egg white. - Suitable to be incorporated into culinary applications e.g. tofu basil stir fry, grilled tofu, salad/wrap topping - Suitable for elderly, patients, fitness enthusiasts, flexitarians, health-conscious, people seeking convenience At present, the global market size of egg white protein is valued at roughly 20 billion USD. However, there is still a large amount of egg white being discarded each year, especially in the salted egg yolk industry. The estimated value of upcycling this waste stream is estimated to be valued at 170 M baht (4.7M USD) within 3 years. This product is a healthy, tasty food with natural ingredients and no food additives that is also easy and convenient to eat. Its protein content is greater than regular egg white due to the concentration by the thermal membrane technology. This product is also easy to incorporate into culinary applications with a pleasant taste. High Protein, Egg White, Tofu, Protein Recovery, Zero-Waste Foods, Ingredients, Processes, Sustainability, Food Security
Continuous Skin-based Sweat Sensor for Rapid Biomarker Detection
Biomarkers are biomolecules and/or physical characteristics found in the body that give a clear picture of a person’s health and fitness. Currently, the golden standard of biomarker testing is through blood tests. However, this method is invasive as it involves drawing blood with a needle. Additionally, blood tests are neither real-time nor continuous which means there is significant delay between testing and receiving results. Such problems can be solved through this invention as this method involves sensing biomarkers within sweat through a skin patch, eschewing the need for needles. Furthermore, the biomarker data can be instantly transmitted to a smartphone application which allows users to continuously monitor their data in a convenient manner.  This technology would be relevant in numerous industries such as sports fitness, beauty, and medical diagnostics; thus, attracting sizable demand for it where there is an unmet need for convenient, accurate and real time detection of accurate biomarkers. The technology consists of the following main parts:  The underlying substrate of the sweat sensor is made from advanced Ultra High Molecular Weight Polyethylene (UHMWPE) membrane which can adhere to skin without needing any adhesive. The membrane itself has the Janus property which allows biomarkers of interest to enter the sensor on the skin-side while blocking interferents such as water droplets from entering on the opposite side. The sensors use selective biomolecule detection using specially molecularly imprinted polymers (MIP) that binds to a target biomarker to generate a response signal.  The transducer part converts the biomolecular signal into an electrical signal to be processed and transmitted into the smartphone application. The smartphone app interprets and shows the data to the user with the goal of delivering insights on the user’s health and fitness.  There are several potential industries where this technology can be customised:  Sports Performance Monitoring: This technology can detect changes in lactate levels in athletes. Currently, athletes regularly use invasive blood pricks to obtain insights and improve on their lactate threshold (maximum lactate concentration in blood in which the athletes will experience fatigue). With this technology, athletes can not only bypass the invasive blood pricking but also continuously monitor their lactate levels during training instead of relying on multiple point-in-time measurements that might give an incomplete picture of their fitness levels  Beauty: Another biomarker this technology can detect is changes in cortisol, a stress hormone that negatively impacts skin health. Beauty-conscious users can apply a skin patch to detect their stress levels and perhaps implement the optimal skin care routine. Medical diagnostics: Current biomarker detection methods for medical diagnostics still rely on blood testing, which is invasive and relies on delayed point-in-time measurements. Sweat sensing using this skin-adhering sensor can give continuous non-stop insights to medical providers to optimise care based on the physiological state of the patient. The global wearable health sensors market size accounted for USD 2.9 Billion in 2022 and is estimated to achieve a market size of USD 14.1 Billion by 2032, growing at a CAGR of 17.4% from 2023 to 2032. (Source: Acumen Research and Consulting). With more people becoming health-conscious, there is an escalating demand for technologies that can assist in monitoring and enhancing their health. Wearable health sensors cater to this need by offering real-time data on a range of health parameters. In recent years, significant research has been targeted toward the development of wearable sensing devices for monitoring biomarker levels in nonobtrusively accessible biofluids such as tears, urine, saliva, and sweat. Sweat could be an ideal candidate for prolonged, semicontinuous, and non-obtrusive health monitoring because sweat is a continuously accessible biofluid containing physiologically and metabolically rich information such as biomarkers.  State of the art for biomarker detection is through using blood tests. This technology is an improvement over blood tests as it is non-invasive and increases user convenience. It has advantages in delivering real-time and continuous data to users which creates a clearer picture of the user’s health and fitness, allowing for rapid action to be taken if necessary. This contrasts with blood tests which usually require a few days between blood taking and results publishing.  This technology is an improvement as it can measure relevant biomarkers providing a more insightful view of the user’s health and with modular sensing (meaning products based on this technology can be easily modified to detect different biomarkers or even detect multiple biomarkers at once). The technology serves as a platform for customisation with multiple potential use cases in numerous industries.  skin sensor, sweat sensor, non-invasive sensor, biomarker sensor, real time data, continious monitoring, wearable, skin wearable, skin patch, wearable sensor, sweat, biomarker, platform technology Electronics, Sensors & Instrumentation, Healthcare, Diagnostics, Medical Devices