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Discover new technologies by our partners

Leveraging our wide network of partners, we have curated numerous enabling technologies available for licensing and commercialisation across different industries and domains. Enterprises interested in these technology offers and collaborating with partners of complementary technological capabilities can reach out for co-innovation opportunities.

Nano Delivery Technology That Resolves Root Rot Diseases in Food Crops
Root rot diseases in food crops are devastating diseases currently without solution. Examples of such diseases are the Basal Stem Rot in oil palms, Fusarium Wilt in bananas, and Phytophthora Root Rot in citrus.  While fungicides have in vitro efficacy, most do not possess phloem mobility and therefore cannot reach the roots to effect treatment. Thus, despite widespread usage of fungicides, root rot diseases are still inadequately treated or are not treated at all. This Nano Delivery Technology imparts phloem mobility to fungicides, allowing them to reach the roots from the application site to treat and protect the crops. The technology is designed as a ready-to-use adjuvant that works with commercialised fungicides. Growers can independently and safely nano encapsulate the fungicides with basic mixing equipment and a simple, one-step mixing process. This technology is patent-pending and ready to market. Imparts phloem mobility to fungicides  Enables fungicides to effectively reach roots from the application site Sustains a residual effect for up to 12 months per treatment Encapsulation material is naturally derived and biodegradable Works with commercialised fungicides such as Hexaconazole 75% WG, Dimethomorph 80% WG and Tricyclazole 75% WDG Simple, one-step mixing process can be handled independently by growers Proven effective in treating root rot disease in oil palms  Helps growers cut losses by 75% The technology can be easily scaled to treat other phloem restricted diseases such as Citrus Greening and address problem statements such as weeds and nutrient deficiencies in food crops. Climate change that results in extreme weather conditions such as heat waves and floods exacerbates the spread and intensity of root rot diseases in food crops. At this time, there is also no known or effective treatment for such devastating diseases. The combined global economic losses from root rot diseases in oil palms, bananas, and citrus alone are more than US$ 5 billion per year. Treats root rot diseases that are currently without solution Works with commercialised fungicides Reduces reapplication frequencies hence labour requirements Accelerates ESG compliance through reduced usage of fungicides Increases growers' climate change resilience Patent pending Ready to market agriculture, agritech, agrifood tech, agrifoodtech, food security, nanotechnology, nano, nano materials, nano encapsulation, agrochemical, crop care, crop protection, herbicide, fertiliser, fertilizer, pesticide, fungicide, root rot, phytophthora, basal stem rot, fusarium wilt, panama, huanglongbing, hlb, citrus greening, delivery technology, precision delivery, delivery, encapsulation, oil palm, HLB, nano delivery, ganoderma, adjuvant, nano particles Materials, Nano Materials, Chemicals, Agrochemicals, Life Sciences, Agriculture & Aquaculture, Additives, Sustainability, Food Security
Multiple Inputs Based Intelligent Irrigation System
Developed a cutting-edge IoT-based Irrigation System, uses proprietary algorithms and a suite of integrated hardware to intelligently optimize watering schedules based on various inputs like soil moisture levels, raining status, weather forecasts, plant species, and soil moisture needs. This smart irrigation system has been built to address the common issue of water waste and poor irrigation management in agriculture, horticulture, and landscaping sectors. Potential users for this technology are large-scale farmers, landscapers, gardening centres, municipalities managing public parks, and property management company seeking smart community solutions. This innovation aims to revolutionize irrigation management by providing an efficient, data-driven irrigation system that not only optimizes watering for different plant species but also significantly reduces water consumption and system maintenance needs. The system is composed of an array of IoT devices such as soil moisture sensors, rain sensors, water valves, and a cloud-based intelligent algorithm platform. It leverages the LoRaWAN wireless communication technology for reliable, long-range data transfer. Current State-of-the-Art solution is timer based, watering at fixed schedule, this leads to water wastage when watering continues even if the plant is hydrated. The unique multiple input-based (Eg. Soil moisture level, weather condition etc) intelligent algorithm developed is the core technology that facilitates optimal watering, to water only when the plant is in need of water. This can reduce the water consumption significantly. This system can be monitored and controlled via a user-friendly web portal, making remote management of irrigation systems possible. Additionally, the system only needs to carry out minimal number of devices/installation. The ideal collaboration partners would be IoT device manufacturers, cloud service providers, agritech companies, landscape companies and property developers. This IoT-based Irrigation System finds its use in several industries like agriculture, horticulture, landscaping, and smart community management. The technology can be deployed in large farms, public parks, golf courses, residential gardens, and greenhouses. The system forms the basis for smart products like automated sprinkler systems, drip irrigation systems, and advanced home gardening solutions. The global smart irrigation market is huge, driven by the rising need for efficient watering systems and growing concerns about water conservation. This technology, with its intelligent algorithm for optimal watering and water-saving capacity, has great potential to capture a significant share of this fast-developing market. This IoT-based Irrigation System stands apart from the current "State-of-the-Art" due to its unique, multiple input-based intelligent algorithm, enabling optimal watering based on various critical parameters, unlike traditional systems. It seamlessly integrates with LoRaWAN technology for efficient long-range communication. Its value proposition lies in its ability to significantly reduce water consumption due to minimal watering while keeping the plant healthy, installation cost and maintenance needs due to the minimal number of devices/installation required, making it a cost-effective, environment-friendly, and efficient solution in the area of irrigation management. Green Building, Sensor, Network, Building Control & Optimisation, Infocomm, Wireless Technology, Environment, Clean Air & Water, Sensor, Network, Monitoring & Quality Control Systems
AI Platform for Auto Defect Classification, Equipment Automation, and Root Cause Mapping
In precision manufacturing, the ability to maintain optimum efficiency and accuracy is of critical importance. This AI Platform addresses these challenges by utilizing proprietary self-improving AI models for Automatic Defect Classification (ADC). This innovative solution incorporates AI Equipment Automation and Root Cause Mapping and provides a comprehensive system that significantly enhances production efficiency. The system seamlessly integrates Equipment Risk Analysis into existing alert mechanisms thus reducing downtime and increasing yield. At its core, it operates as a robust AI platform, featuring a user-centric interface for Machine Learning Operations (MLOps). This promotes recipe-free inspection while maintaining compatibility with a broad range of third-party software. The technology is modular and provides smooth productization of multiple AI solutions thereby increasing the effectiveness of defect inspection and analysis, assisting in equipment error recovery, and providing insights for process optimization. The technology offers an attractive solution for manufacturers across different industries interested in increasing their production efficiency and improving product quality. The technology features AI at its core to provide multiple AI tools in a modularized form for different inspection, maintenance, and process control related tasks common in precision manufacturing industry: High precision recipe-free AI based visual defect inspection and classification. Root cause mapping for indicating errors in upstream process. Non-intrusive equipment run status monitoring and error assist using learned behaviour from UI messages and operator interventions. Equipment health monitoring and logging. Equipment insight generation for process optimization and recipe refinement. Checklist based assistance and tracking for preventive maintenance and assists. Predictive maintenance capability. Ideal collaboration partners span semiconductor manufacturers, pharmaceutical firms and other precision manufacturing industries, hardware manufacturers for the production and upgrades of the vision systems, and research institutions focusing on AI. This technology has applications  in the manufacturing operations for the following industries: MedTech Pharmaceuticals Semiconductor Electronics Automotive Precision Engineering Aerospace With the projected growth and with production schedules becoming increasingly demanding, the ability to harness the power of artificial intelligence for predictive maintenance, process optimization, and quality control is a game-changer. These tools not only enhance the overall productivity but also enable companies to maintain a competitive edge in an ever-evolving landscape.  This technology is particularly attractive to these markets due to its ability to drastically reduce scrap rates and improve OEE (Overall Equipment Efficiency), thereby leading to significant cost savings. The growing trend of automation and AI adoption in manufacturing presents a substantial market opportunity for this technology.  The unique value proposition of the AI platform lies in its increased precision, flexibility, scalability, and seamless integration into existing manufacturing ecosystems: The solution does not require a complete overhaul of the existing setup. The solution includes a full toolset for autonomous operations - standalone AI assisted inspection, preventive maintenance, modules for reducing machine downtimes and manual assists (OEE). All actions taken are fully tracked for unique insights, root cause analysis, assisted recipe creation and process optimization. Flexible and capable of integrating techniques, like hyperspectral imaging, for insights into material properties among others. Modular and capable of adapting to various operational needs spanning different industries. Cost effective and easy integration to existing manufacturing lines. Manufacturing, Assembly, Automation & Robotics
Sustainability Software for efficiency in data collection, calculation and reporting
Amidst the imposition of compulsory climate reporting by regulatory bodies in some nations including Singapore, a powerful carbon accounting software solution has been devised. This aims to aid and fortify companies in their readiness to adhere to this necessity and embark on their sustainability journey. The software suite consists of the following solutions: GHG Emissions Management: Efficiently manage and reduce your organisation's greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions. ESG Reporting: Streamline and simplify your Environmental, Social, and Governance (ESG) reporting process. Environmental Compliance: Propel your organisation towards comprehensive ISO 14001 environmental stewardship. 24/7 Electricity Emissions Traceability: Navigate your decarbonisation journey with real-time, precise and transparent electricity emissions tracking. GHG Emissions Management At the heart of the software suite is the GHG Emissions Management solution. An all-in-one GHG emissions management software, to streamline calculating, tracking, and reporting your organisation's greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions for Scope 1, 2, and 3 activities. Accurate & Instant Emissions Calculations Transparent Target Setting & Progress Tracking Actionable Insights for Emissions Reduction Seamless Integration & Automation Data Validation & Stakeholder Engagement Offset Your Unavoidable Emissions Simplified Reporting & Compliance ESG Reporting Navigating the complex world of ESG reporting is now easier than ever with a powerful, user-friendly solution designed to save your organisation time, reduce stress, and optimise your reporting process across multiple international frameworks. Easily share disclosure questions to individuals across your company, manage their response and get knowledge from your disclosures by turning them from a compliance burden to valuable business insight. ESG Framework Templates Hub – GRI, TCFD, CDP, SASB and more ESG Data Consolidation Portal   Customised Data Insights Suite Environmental Compliance The solution incorporates features to support you when complying with ISO14001. Store all documents in one place, identify nonconformities, and create effective action plans. Audit Management and Reporting Data Health Check and Warnings Documentation Repository Data Verification and Tracking Automated Data Collection Target Setting and Tracking Electricity Emissions Traceability Our latest feature is Electricity Emissions Traceability: Get real-time, precise and transparent electricity emissions tracking telling you the intensity of the electricity from your grid on an hourly basis.   The suite of solutions are aimed at organisations taking proactive steps to measure and report their environmental and social impacts. GHG Emissions Management: Aimed at those organisations already calculating their carbon footprint looking for a more efficient solution or consultants providing carbon accounting as a service. ESG Reporting: Is useful for organisations already struggling with the compliance burden of disclosing to a different frameworks looking for ways to increase the efficiency of the process. Environmental Compliance: A solution perfect for any organisation who is ISO14001 accredited. 24/7 Electricity Emissions Traceability: A must have for those trailblazers wanting to go that step further and set an example for more accurate scope 2 reporting to encourage carbon free energy production locally.  This software solution provides sustainability consultants and partners allowing for a well-structured solution implemented quickly for their clients. This suite of software solutions is unique in combining a powerful carbon accounting tool with ESG reporting framework support, ISO14001 compliance functionality and real time scope 2 emissions reporting. Limited software company provides this suite of solutions designed to help you collect, calculate, measure, report and disclose your ESG data.     Infocomm, Big Data, Data Analytics, Data Mining & Data Visualisation, Green ICT, Sustainability, Low Carbon Economy
Scalable Technology Converting Fruit By-products to Functional Food Ingredients
Singapore has a high consumption of fruits and vegetables, both locally produced and imported, and a significant portion of the total waste generated is derived from fruits and vegetables. These fruits and vegetables contain untapped nutritional and functional properties that can be upcycled into higher value products. This institute of higher learning has developed a technology with the know-how to cultivate microorganisms and a series of zero-waste extraction and purification methods to maximize the value of fruit peels into functional food ingredients.  This technology is designed for three types of industry players: i) fruit vending/processing industry with abundance of good quality fruit by-products; ii) waste management industry with technologies to value add to the by-products; and iii) start-ups with keen interest to upcycle by-products into novel food ingredients. The technology is a sustainable process and here are some key features: Zero waste solution – achieving circular economy Low-carbon economy, reduced waste during manufacturing Easy to assemble using off-the-shelf commercial-ready equipment Low CAPEX, modular installation Simple method – any technician with basic training and carry out the process Scalable – abundance of fruit by-products to achieve economies of scale A reactor for pilot scale testing at a reasonable cost has been fabricated for collaborators to tap on. Food-grade microbial protein: A protein-rich source of food ingredient with functional properties to be applied into beverages, confectionery, plant-based meats Pectin from fruit peels: A finished product upon extraction process, it is rich in soluble dietary fiber that can be used as natural thickener or in jam/sauces and beverages. Cleaning agents: Antimicrobial properties were observed in the fruit peels post extraction Good quality fruit by-products from fruit industry are valuable resources for upcycling. These materials are currently disposed  by incineration. With the high moisture content of fruit peels, incineration is energy-intensive leading to higher CO2 emission. This technology produces valuable food ingredients such as protein and dietary fiber, contributing to both food security and circular economy. microbial protein, dietary fiber, dietary fibre, fuit by-product, fruit peel, zero waste, sustainable food ingredients, fruit waste, food waste, upcycle, food valorisation Waste Management & Recycling, Food & Agriculture Waste Management, Sustainability, Circular Economy, Food Security
Soft Robot for Assistive Care of the Aged
Population aging is a global phenomenon as most industrialized countries are experiencing growth in the size and proportion of elderly citizens in their population. The percentage of older adults is estimated to be double by 2050 than that in 2019, which will place new challenges on the social economy and healthcare. The increasing population of elderly people requires great attention to be paid to age-related problems. Especially, the decreased physical capacities cause elderly people to rely on others to perform daily activities such as showering, dressing, and eating. The lack of independence in activities of daily living (ADL) decreases their quality of life and exaggerate financial burden for family healthcare.   According to studies on affected daily activities of older adults, the showering activity needs more frequent assistance than any other ADL. Existing commercial products, such as Tutti Assisted Bath Tub and Sit & Shower, can provide automated bathing assistance for the elderly people. However, the available products are usually time-based passive cleaning that lacks active physical interactions with users, and thus they do not have some basic functionalities during showering such as scrubbing and wiping. Alternatively, robotic arms can provide active support in showering activity. Recent soft robotics technologies ensure safe and comfortable human-robot interactions. With different types of actuation (e.g. pneumatic, cable-driven), soft robotic manipulators can have dexterous motions and adaptable stiffness to achieve desired tasks. The technology consists of a soft robotic arm and machine learning based algorithm. It can assist elderly people during showering activities according to the user’s needs. As an example, the robotic shower can wash body parts that may difficult to reach, like the back or lower part of the legs. In particular, it has unique features that include:  Safe and comfortable human-robot interaction for pouring water and wiping  Air or water actuation  Affordable and cost effective  The applications include but are not limited to:  Assist showering activity for elderly people  Luxury high-tech showers  Re-purposed to assist disabled people or hospitalized patients  Our robot is based on user-centred design. Soft robotics is widely recognized as enabling safe human-robot interactions owing to its inherent compliance, compared to traditional rigid robots. The soft robot is equipped with machine learning based intelligent algorithms to efficiently accomplish desired assistive tasks.  soft robotics, Soft robot, Assistive healthcare, Aged healthcare, aging Personal Care, Wellness & Spa, Healthcare, Medical Devices, Manufacturing, Assembly, Automation & Robotics
Augmented Reality Artificial Intelligence Glasses
Augmented Reality (AR) Artificial Intelligence (AI) Glasses are transforming the landscape of industrial and field applications. Designed to streamline processes and improve efficiency, these glasses are a ground-breaking solution to the necessity of instant, accurate, and engaging data presentation.  Housed in a pioneering, lightweight design, these AR AI Glasses effectively address the challenges faced with conventional AR devices, including their bulky nature, short-lived battery life, and limited connectivity. By ensuring an incredibly low heat signature, extended battery life, and compatibility with Wi-Fi, 4G, and 5G networks, these glasses have been developed with users' comfort and usability in mind, ensuring efficient performance throughout the day.  These glasses are a valuable asset to a variety of sectors, such as manufacturing, logistics, healthcare, and construction, that value precision, efficiency, and safety. By seamlessly integrating sophisticated technologies like AR and AI into everyday operations, the glasses eliminate the need for extensive staff retraining or major procedural changes. They provide real-time information, enhance remote collaboration, and come with built-in security features like facial recognition, promising to fundamentally change how tasks are executed within these industries.  The AR AI Glasses blend advanced software and state-of-the-art hardware -  Hardware:  Featherweight Design: The glasses weigh at a mere 46g, ensuring all-day comfort.  Robust Build: Designed to endure, these glasses are IP67 rated and explosion-proof, making them ideal for a variety of demanding environments.  Minimal Heat Signature: A top heat signature of ≤40°C prevents discomfort during extended use. Extended Battery Life: The glasses offer 3.5 hours of continuous operation, which can be boosted to 10 hours with an auxiliary power bank.  Software:  Uninterrupted Connectivity: These glasses are designed to support Wi-Fi, 4G, and 5G networks, ensuring seamless connectivity and data transfer.  Secure Communications: These glasses are designed to provide secure communication channels, offering a reliable platform for data exchange.  Tailored Application Development: The technology supports the development of custom applications, allowing solutions to be tailored to unique business needs.  Remote Collaboration: Leveraging a SaaS Platform, these glasses are designed to support remote assistance, monitoring, training, and assessment.  Step-by-step SOP Support: This technology can break down complex procedures into manageable step- by-step instructions using video, image, and text.  Facial/Object Recognition: A key feature that validates objects/identity of individuals.  Optimal technology partners encompass the entire value chain, ranging from AR/VR application developers for software improvements, to hardware manufacturers responsible for producing and upgrading the glasses. Network service providers too can play a crucial role in enhancing connectivity. Industries such as manufacturing, logistics, healthcare, and security, where operational efficiency and precision are paramount, represent key sectors that would benefit from this technology. The AR AI Glasses has a broad array of potential applications across diverse sectors, from manufacturing and logistics to healthcare and construction.  Manufacturing: These glasses can streamline operations through real-time communication and guidance, allowing for remote collaboration and training. The in-built SOP functionality can simplify complex assembly procedures, minimizing errors and bolstering productivity.  Logistics: These glasses can transform inventory management, tracking, and overall operations by providing real-time information access and facilitating remote collaboration. The result is a more efficient and streamlined logistic operation.  Healthcare: The remote collaboration functionality of the glasses can be a boon for telemedicine. It allows for remote consultations, training, and guidance, ensuring that distance is no longer a barrier to quality healthcare.  Construction: These glasses can enhance on-site safety by providing step-by-step SOPs to workers. In addition, real-time patrolling and threat assessment become feasible with these glasses.  The products that can leverage this technology are not confined to the glasses themselves. They extend to software solutions tailor-made for specific industries to maximize the use of AR AI Glasses.   The augmented reality (AR) and artificial intelligence (AI) market, which includes devices such as this AR AI Glasses, is poised for a significant growth.  The industrial sector is undergoing a significant shift towards digitization and automation. This evolution calls for innovative, technology-driven solutions, such as this AR AI Glasses. By enhancing worker safety, boosting efficiency, and refining processes, these glasses offer immense value to industries ranging from manufacturing and logistics to healthcare and security.  With the advent of 5G, rapid and secure data transmission and seamless communication to and from compatible devices, such as these glasses, has become a possibility and this further increases their market adoption. These AR AI Glasses represents a significant improvement over traditional AR technology, featuring an array of cutting-edge specifications tailor-made for industrial and field environments. These glasses depart from the norm, offering a solution that is not only lightweight and comfortable but also resilient and specifically designed for enduring use in demanding work scenarios. These AR AI Glasses offer the following unique benfits - Lightweight and comfortable design for long term usage. Remote collaboration capability. Inbuilt facial recognition feature. Support for customized application development to allow modifications to suit unique operational needs. Compatibility with Wi-Fi, 4G and 5G networks to leverage evolving communication technologies. Secure and seamless data sharing and communication.   AR, VR, AR Glasses Infocomm, Video/Image Processing, Augmented Reality, Virtual Reality & Computer-Simulated Environments, Healthcare, Telehealth, Medical Software & Imaging
Material and Tools Tracking in Manufacturing
Effective tracking and management of Work-In-Progress (WIP) and inventory across a manufacturing facility are key to maintaining productivity and operational efficiency. Despite this, misplaced inventory and inefficient tracking remain common problems within the sector, leading to time wasted on locating items, losses due to unaccounted inventory, and ultimately, a reduction in productivity.  To tackle these challenges, an innovative solution has been developed that integrates advanced technologies, sophisticated hardware, and robust software features to optimize manufacturing operations. This solution provides real-time traceability of WIP and inventory throughout a factory, thereby reducing time wasted in locating items and preventing losses due to unaccounted inventory.  The solution seamlessly integrates with various systems including Manufacturing Execution Systems (MES), Preventive Maintenance (PM) systems, and Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) systems. This integration capability allows it to trigger alerts, visualize processes, and reduce waste, thereby streamlining operations and minimizing inefficiencies.  The track and trace solution are an amalgamation of sophisticated state of the art hardware and software components – Hardware: Custom made racks and retrofits. LF/HF/UHF RFID for tagging and tracking. Barcode scanners for identification. Pick-to-Light systems for order picking. Weight sensors for inventory measurement. AI driven video analysis for surveillance and tracking. Software: Work in progress (WIP) tracking. Inventory management. Preventive maintenance (PM) material tracking. In line material ordering. Data analytics. The ideal collaboration partners for this solution would be manufacturing firms looking to optimize their operations, manufacturing execution system (MES) providers for system integration, hardware manufacturers for creating customized racks and hardware components, and technology companies focusing on RFID, AI, and data analytics. These partners would collectively contribute to the development, implementation, and continual enhancement of the track and trace solution. The track and trace solution has wide applicability across a multitude of manufacturing industries where tracking and managing of tools, parts, and Work-In-Progress (WIP) items is crucial. Key industries include semiconductor manufacturing, automotive production, aerospace manufacturing, and other large-scale industrial setups. In semiconductor manufacturing, it can be used to monitor the movement of sensitive materials like wafers and reticle masks. For the automotive and aerospace industries, it could be used to track the assembly of complex components, ensuring that all parts are accounted for and in the correct location. The system's flexibility allows it to be applied on both large and small scales, catering to a vast range of operational needs. Its potential applications aren't limited to the tracking of physical items; the data it gathers can also be used for predictive analytics, proactive replenishment of inventory, and enhanced forecasting, among others. Consequently, products that can be marketed based on this technology range from inventory management systems and predictive maintenance solutions to data analytics software. The complexity of manufacturing processes continues to rise, fuelling the need for innovative and advanced tracking and traceability solutions. The increasing emphasis on lean manufacturing, cost-cutting, and waste reduction are some of the driving forces behind this demand. Given these factors, the global market for such solutions is on an upward trajectory. As industries become more technologically reliant and digitized, the emphasis on precise, real-time tracking and traceability will only amplify. The market size, already sizable, is projected to witness substantial growth in the coming decade. This technology is particularly attractive to the market due to its multi-faceted benefits - it does not merely track and trace, but also integrates with existing systems, enhances forecasting, and significantly improves operational efficiency. It's robust set of features and the capability to address multiple pain points make it an appealing choice for businesses across the manufacturing sector. The track and trace solution provides a significant advancement over the current "State-of-the-Art". While traditional systems offer tracking and traceability, they often fall short when it comes to real-time data, seamless integration with existing systems, and the use of advanced technologies. This solution addresses these gaps by providing real-time tracking and traceability across the entire manufacturing process. This significantly reduces waste, enhances productivity, and improves operational efficiency.  In addition to superior tracking, this solution incorporates technologies like RFID and AI-based Video Analytics, providing unprecedented levels of precision and data insights. This also facilitates enhanced forecasting and inventory management capabilities, enabling businesses to better predict and meet their needs. The solution seamlessly integrates with existing Manufacturing Execution Systems (MES), Preventive Maintenance (PM) systems, and Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) systems. This feature ensures that businesses can implement the solution without significant disruption and harness their current platforms to achieve better efficiency. Equipment, WIP, Material Control Infocomm, Video/Image Analysis & Computer Vision, Manufacturing, Assembly, Automation & Robotics, Robotics & Automation, Logistics, Inventory Management
Middleware for Non-Intrusive Integration of Equipment in Manufacturing Environment
Integration of different machinery to the MES systems and facilitating interaction between them is a common theme in Industry 4.0 implementation. This task can become complicated due to the presence of multiple vendors and legacy systems on the production floor. This invention is a software stack which can be classified as a middleware or control software. The middleware offers an intermediary communication for the different standalone machines to communicate and perform synchronised functions. The system can further be customised to extend its functionality to suit an end user's needs. The middleware was developed to integrate robotic and automation elements allowing different machines to communicate through the middleware console. This is a set of customisable software code developed for the purpose of communicating through the interfacing ports with different machines. Customisation for the disparate systems Options to connect by augmenting existing systems through sensorisation of systems. Allows heterogeneous systems to operate with customisation.   The middleware can be used in any production floor to allow easy and non intrusive integration for synchronised operations. The solution also allows integration of legacy sytems, with no existing capability, to common Manufacturing Execution Systems (MES). This is a critical step for adoption of Industry 4.0 standards and consequently adding a capability to make data driven decisions in the production floor. The technology is customizable and can be adopted to different scenarios regarding MES integration and synchronised functioning of equipment. Industry 4.0 has made sweeping changes to how products are manufactured and production floors are managed. One of the challenges in the adoption which still exists,  is the presence of expensive but legacy systems which cannot be easily replaced. In Singapore, manufacturing sector accounts for close to one fifth of the GDP. To modernise the manufacturing sector, the problem of integration needs to be solved as it is not always feasible to replace a legacy production capable system with a new one. The middleware was developed to integrate robotic and automation elements allowing different machines to communicate through the middleware console. This is a set of customisable software code developed for the purpose of communicating through the interfacing ports with different machines. Allows digitalization on legacy systems not conforming to the standard MES requirements. System works separately on the edge and together with capability to integrate addition sensor inputs, it can provide data to a database or provide OPC UA compatibility for use by the MES. Allows non-intrusive sensorization for different brands of equipment. control software, Machines Integration, Middleware, MES, Manufacturing Execution Systems Infocomm, Networks & Communications, Manufacturing, Assembly, Automation & Robotics, Robotics & Automation