

Reducing greenhouse gas emissions is crucial for limiting global temperature rise and mitigating the impacts of climate change. The urgency of this challenge has driven the development of decarbonisation technologies and innovations across diverse industries.  

From green energy innovations to carbon capture, utilisation, and storage (CCUS), as well as emissions tracking and reduction technologies, these curated innovations offer enterprises in Singapore valuable opportunities. By engaging in co-development and co-creation, businesses can harness these technologies to develop cutting-edge products and services that contribute to a sustainable and resilient future across various sectors.

Sustainability Software for Efficiency in Data Collection, Calculation and Reporting
Amidst the imposition of compulsory climate reporting by regulatory bodies in some nations including Singapore, a powerful carbon accounting software solution has been devised. This aims to aid and fortify companies in their readiness to adhere to this necessity and embark on their sustainability journey. The software suite consists of the following solutions: GHG Emissions Management: Efficiently manage and reduce your organisation's greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions. ESG Reporting: Streamline and simplify your Environmental, Social, and Governance (ESG) reporting process. Environmental Compliance: Propel your organisation towards comprehensive ISO 14001 environmental stewardship. 24/7 Electricity Emissions Traceability: Navigate your decarbonisation journey with real-time, precise and transparent electricity emissions tracking.
Advanced Electrolyte for Next Generation High-Energy Lithium Metal Batteries
Lithium ion (Li-ion) battery is now the dominant energy storage system in portable electronics and electric vehicles (EV). The rapid expanding EV is driving the demand for next generation high-energy batteries. Compared to conventional Li-ion batteries with graphite anode, which has a theoretical capacity of 372 mAh/g, lithium-metal batteries can deliver ten times of specific capacity (3860 mAh/g). Theoretically, anode-free batteries can double the energy density in volume compared to Li-ion batteries at the cell level. However, current anode-free batteries suffer from faster capacity decay due to poor lithium plating on Cu foil. To overcome this challenge, the technology owner has developed a liquid electrolyte comprising lithium difluoro(oxalate)borate (LiDFOB) and a carbonate solvent, enabling reversible lithium plating of anode-free lithium metal batteries. This electrolyte ensures good thermal stability with smooth Li plating of counter electrode on the anodic side even at elevated temperatures. It facilitates a capacity retention of above 80% after 100 cycles for an anode-free battery or 80% after 400 cycles for a battery with a Li metal anode. The technology owner seeks collaboration with industrial partners such as battery developers and manufacturers for further co-development and test-bedding of electrolyte and subsequent licensing of this technology for commercialisation.
A Reprocessible Solid Polymer Electrolyte (SPE) for All-Solid-State Lithium-Ion Batteries
All-solid-state lithium-ion batteries (LiBs), also known as the most promising next-generation batteries, have attracted much attention due to their high energy density and safety. The replacement of liquid electrolyte with solid electrolyte could not only improve battery safety and also prolong its lifetime. The most commonly used solid polymer electrolytes (SPEs) are poly(ethylene oxide) (PEO) based, which typically have poor mechanical properties, low ionic conductivity, and a limited oxidation window, thus precluding their use with high-voltage cathodes. Therefore, it is essential to develop cross-linked SPEs with high oxidative stability for high-voltage all-solid-state LiBs in high energy applications. The technology owner has developed a reprocessible cross-linked cationic polytriazolium (PT) based SPE for all-solid-state LiBs. This PT-based SPE is electrochemically stable at voltages >4.0 V, exhibiting a high ionic conductivity below the melting point as well as a high Li+ transference number. In addition to its electrochemical characteristics, this PT-based electrolyte is reprocessible and healable with good flexibility. Such polymeric electrolytes could sustain internal and external stresses during the charging-discharging process, thus prolonging the lifetime of Li-ion batteries while simultaneously tackling safety issues. The technology owner is keen to collaborate with industrial partners such as battery developers and manufacturers for further co-development and test-bedding of solid polymer electrolytes and subsequent licensing of this technology for commercialisation.
Advanced Electrodes and Electrolysers for Cost-Effective Green Hydrogen Production
As a clean burning fuel, green hydrogen plays a critical role in achieving net zero emissions. A major challenge is the high cost of the electrolyser due to inefficient production and the use of precious metals. Innovation in green hydrogen is urgently required to lower its cost and bring it to parity with conventional fossil fuel based grey hydrogen. A Singapore-based startup has developed a proprietary super-alloy nano-structured material using earth's abundant and cost-effective materials for use in all major electrolyser technologies. These components achieve dramatically higher water-splitting capability and anti-corrosion properties versus commercially available solutions, while ensuring electrode durability, increasing energy efficiency and reducing overall cost. The startup is capable of supporting the manufacturing of core hardware components for electrolyser cells, stacks, and systems, enabling end users to produce the most affordable green hydrogen. The startup is seeking partnerships with manufacturers (OEMs) of alkaline (AWE), proton exchange membrane (PEM) electrolysers and leading hydrogen users, including energy majors, utilities, and industrial gas companies, to deploy modular stand-alone anion exchange membrane (AEM) electrolyser systems for pilot projects or for test-bedding at industrial scale.
Safe and Rechargeable Water-Based Battery
To achieve a net-zero carbon emission goal, energy derived from fossil fuels are replaced with green renewables such as solar, wind, etc. However, these renewable energies are intermittent in nature and therefore requires a reliable energy storage system to store these energies. Today, batteries based on lithium-ion and lead-acid are widely used as the go-to energy storage system. However, there are fire safety concerns for the conventional lithium-ion batteries due to its highly volatile and flammable electrolyte while the acidic electrolyte and carcinogenic lead used in lead-acid posed threat to both human and environmental health. Therefore, there is a need for a new safe and environmentally friendly battery system. This technology offer is a safe and rechargeable water-based battery using a unique green electrolyte formulation (close to neutral pH). Owing to the widened electrochemical stability window and high ionic conductivity of the proposed electrolyte formulation, it enables superior electrochemical performance of the electrode materials used in the batteries, suited towards large-scale energy storage applications.
Eco-friendly Direct Conversion of Biogas into Liquid Fuels
Liquid fuels from biogas are a promising source of renewable and clean energy as they give a lower emission of sulphur dioxide, nitrogen oxide, and soot than conventional fossil fuels. They are sustainable and economically viable as they can be obtained from agricultural waste. However, transforming biogas into a high-value liquid fuel equivalent to diesel or gasoline requires a costly two-step process.  The technology developer has developed a novel enhanced capsule catalysts with unique core-shell structures that enable the production of high value-added liquid fuels from biogas in a single step with only one reactor. These capsule catalysts directly convert synthetic gas (syngas) into liquid fuels, which have improved petrol-like qualities. Therefore, these liquid fuels can be used either as diesel or gasoline substitutes without any modification to engines and existing refuelling facilities. The technology developer seeks companies looking for renewable and clean energy through the gas-to-liquid (GTL) technology to license and commercialise this technology. 
Low Temperature Membrane-Pervaporation System for High Value Product Concentration
A challenge faced by many chemical processing plants is the high process temperature and high energy consumption. For example, in the Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) production process, one of the commonly used approaches of concentrating the medicine is by evaporation. This process operates at 100°C and aims to remove 2/3 of the total amount of water from the feed solution. The main issues are: High operating temperature causing irreversible damage to the active ingredients. Taking up 75% of the overall energy consumed. 2-3 days to process one batch of the extracted liquid. Labour-intensive and hard to scale up. Furthermore, as the production is operated in batch mode, the boiler needs to be turned off and on (heating and cooling) frequently. To overcome these challenges, the membrane – pervaporation system has been developed. The operating principles have been tested at laboratory scale using actual TCM products. The operating temperature can be lowered so that the risk of damage to the active ingredients is reduced. It was computed that an energy saving of 39% can be achieved. The team that designed and developed the system is well-versed with membrane technology and is ready to transfer the know-how and knowledge. They are seeking partners to collaborate and further develop this proof-of-concept for commercial deployment, targeting applications where thermal damage to high value active ingredients are of concern.     
Low-energy Carbon Dioxide-free Hydrogen Production
The potential of green hydrogen to plug the intermittency of solar and wind whilst burning like natural gas and serving as feedstock in industrial chemical processes has attracted the interest of industry, governments and investors. From oil and gas players, utilities, industries from steel to fertilisers and more, green hydrogen is regarded as the best bet for harmonising the intermittency of renewables.   Green hydrogen is produced through water electrolysis, a process that separates water into hydrogen and oxygen, using electricity generated from renewable sources. Today, it accounts for just 0.1% of global hydrogen production according to the World Economic Forum. The main disadvantage of green hydrogen production via water electrolysis is (1) its high energy consumption of more than 50 kWh per kg and the need for large land areas and (2) the competition of usage for water it creates.   The proposed hydrogen production technology is based on the decomposition of methane (CH4) molecule in oxygen-free environment by low energy microwave plasma. Unlike electrolysis, this process does not produce CO2 as it decomposes CH4 directly into gaseous hydrogen and solid carbon, both are industrially valuable products. Compared to water electrolysis, this process saves up to 5 times the energy required to produce hydrogen from methane, at competitive costs. The process can be installed on-site, at the end of the gas infrastructure, reducing the need to invest in a new H2 infrastructure. The fact that, coupled with biomethane, the technology is CO2 negative, representing an indirect air capture solution is another major advantage.   The technology owner is seeking OEM partners in Singapore (1) to co-develop complete solutions integrating the proposed technology for specific applications or (2) integrate the technology into industrial demonstration sites.
Low-Cost and Flexible Water-Activated Primary Batteries
Recently, the rising adoption of Internet of Things (IoT) devices and portable electronics has made electronic waste (e-waste) pollution worse, especially when small and low-power IoT devices are single-use only. As such, low-cost and environmentally friendly power sources are in high demand. The technology owner has developed an eco-friendly liquid-activated primary battery for single-use and disposable electronic devices. The battery can be activated by any aqueous liquid and is highly customisable to specific requirements (i.e., shape, size, voltage, power) of each application. This thin and flexible battery can be easily integrated into IoT devices, smart sensors, and medical devices, providing a sustainable energy solution for low-power and single-use applications. The technology owner is keen to do R&D collaboration and IP licensing to industrial partners who intend to use liquid-activated batteries to power the devices.