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With a strong emphasis on fostering collaborations through technology and innovation, IPI seeks to empower businesses to embark on transformative journeys with our SME advisory services.

As a subsidiary of Enterprise Singapore, IPI accelerates the innovation journey of enterprises through access to its global innovation ecosystem and advisory services. We stand at the forefront of innovation-driven transformation, and our advisory services in Singapore are your key to unlocking growth and success for your business.

With a deep understanding of various industries and a track record of delivering impactful results, our advisory services for Singapore SMEs are designed to transform your vision into reality. Explore innovative technology and the available solutions to grow your business today!

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Outdoor Air Purification Tower
Controlling air pollution, particularly from PM 2.5 particulate matter, is crucial for protecting human health and the environment. These microscopic particles can penetrate deep into the respiratory system, causing serious health issues such as respiratory illnesses, cardiovascular problems, and even premature death. PM 2.5 is a leading cause of poor air quality, especially in densely populated regions of Asia, where industrial emissions, vehicle exhaust, and biomass burning are prevalent. Reducing this pollution is vital to minimizing its harmful health effects and improving air quality.  To address this pressing issue, this technology has been developed that focuses on air purification through an automatic hybrid air purification tower based on a wet scrubber system. This system can capture particles as small as 0.3 microns, significantly reducing PM2.5 levels in the air. The hybrid power system ensures that it operates with lower electricity consumption compared to traditional scrubbers, making it both energy-efficient and effective. Additionally, this technology uses water instead of packing materials reducing waste generation. By leveraging this technology, urban environments can see a marked improvement in air quality, leading to better health outcomes and a cleaner atmosphere for all.  The technology owner seeks collaborations in environmental sustainability, urban development, and public health to support scaling, co-development, R&D collaboration and licensing.  
Ultra-Low Frequency Technology: Reducing Oxidative Stress and Enhancing Metabolic Functions
Water plays a vital role in various biological and industrial processes, but its effectiveness can be enhanced by modifying its molecular structure. This Ultra-Low Frequency (ULF) platform technology leverages ULF electromagnetic waves to alter the properties of water, aiming to improve its performance in specific applications. By applying low-frequency electromagnetic fields, this technology has been observed to affect water's oxidation-reduction potential (ORP), potentially increasing its antioxidative properties. Empirical data suggests that ULF-treated water may enhance cellular hydration and support metabolic functions in biological system. The technology’s ability to alter water at the molecular level offers potential benefits for agriculture, health and wellness, and food and beverage (F&B) processing. The technology owner is seeking potential collaborators: Companies or individuals, interested in integrating this breakthrough technology into their products or exploring new applications across industries such as agriculture, health and wellness, and the F&B sector. Companies or individuals who are looking to acquire the intellectual property (IP). The IP can be specifically carved out for various applications, allowing flexibility and tailored use across different sectors.
Environmentally-friendly Silica-based Algicidal Hydrogel for Algal Bloom Control
Harmful algal bloom (HAB) releases toxins that can contaminate drinking water, causing illness for animals and humans. The National Centers for Coastal Ocean Science (NCCOS) estimated that the annual economic impact of HABs in the US is $10-100 million. Physical and chemical methods can be employed to deal with these, but they have several limitations. This technology is a 3D structure environmental friendly silica-based hydrogel, which has long-term effect on algal bloom control as well as pathogen control. It is capable of long-acting sustained release and precision dosing. This allows it to effectively replace the existing heavy metal algaecides on the market and solve the problem of indiscriminate dosing of algaecides, antibiotics and other additives in aquaculture. This in turn reduces the amount of drug residues and heavy metal accumulation of the aquatic end-products. Beyond aquaculture, this technology is also applicable for ensuring the health of ornamental aquariums, such as infection of pathogens as well as preventing algal bloom in natural water bodies.
Sustainable Packaging for Fresh Produce Protection
Globally, the packaging industry faces increasing pressure to reduce its environmental footprint, particularly with the impending implementation of regulations in Europe which requires all packaging to be recyclable or biodegradable by 2025. Traditional packaging materials, often derived from petroleum-based plastics, contribute significantly to environmental pollution, creating waste that takes decades to degrade. Moreover, in industries such as agriculture and food logistics, packaging is often not optimised for moisture resistance, leading to increased spoilage and product damage during transport and storage. This eco-friendly packaging technology, made from natural rubber latex, is fully biodegradable while retaining its cushioning and protective capabilities. Its moisture-resistant properties make it particularly ideal for fresh produce, offering reliable protection throughout transportation and storage. Designed for businesses in the fresh produce sector—such as farmers, packers, and exporters—this sustainable packaging solution meets strict environmental standards while minimizing fruit waste. By providing superior protection, it helps businesses reduce spoilage and product loss, ensuring that goods arrive in optimal condition. The technology owner is looking to collaborate with partners in the packaging, logistics, and agricultural industries to co-develop, testbed and implement this sustainable packaging solution across various sectors.
A Point-Of-Care Urine Osmometer for Nocturia Evaluation
Nocturia is a common urinary complaint where one experience interruption of sleep with one or more times at night to void. The current assessment of nocturia is primarily clinical and relies mainly on patients documenting their own bladder diary to complete a Frequency-Volume Chart (FVC) of volume and times of urination between a 24-to-72-hour period. This conventional way of assessment is a manual and inadequate way of diagnosing nocturia. An individual is diagnosed with nocturnal polyuria if the total urine output at night exceeds one-third of total daily output. This technology has developed a point-of-care urine osmometer for the monitoring and profiling of day- and night-time variation in urine osmolality, providing clinicians with valuable insights to facilitate more accurate, objective diagnosis and personalized treatment plans for nocturia. This device is portable and attached with a readout sensor, designed to be user friendly. The technology owner is seeking collaborations with: Medical Institutions and Healthcare Providers: To facilitate clinical validation, implementation, and integration of the portable urine osmometer into routine diagnostic practices for nocturia and other related conditions. Device Manufacturers: To miniaturize the prototype, scale up production, ensure quality control, and help bring the device to market. Research Institutes: To collaborate on further R&D , particularly in optimizing the technology and exploring additional applications, such as hydration monitoring for athletes and military personnel. Data Analytics Partners: To develop advanced software and algorithms for precise data interpretation, which can enhance the device’s diagnostic capabilities and provide more personalized treatment options.
Unlocking ALS Through Predictive Insights From Deep Learning and Stem Cells
Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis (ALS) is a neurological disorder that affects motor neurons in the spinal cord and brain which causes progressive degeneration of muscle control. The onset of ALS usually starts between the ages of 40 to 70 and affects approximately two to seven individuals per 100,000 people globally, with an average survival time after diagnosis ranging from two to five years.  ALS is hard to diagnose at an early stage due to similar symptoms with other diseases and no one single test to specifically diagnose ALS.  Several diagnosis methods include electromyogram, nerve conduction study, MRI, blood and urine tests, lumbar puncture, muscle and nerve biopsy. The absence of definitive biomarkers complicates early diagnosis and monitoring of disease progression, while the subtle and variable symptoms often leads to misdiagnosis or delays in care. This research introduces a novel predictive model for ALS that leverages deep learning techniques alongside patient-derived induced pluripotent stem cells (iPSCs). By employing advanced machine learning algorithms, the study analyzes cellular and genetic data from iPSCs to uncover patterns associated with ALS progression. It also incorporates image analysis of motor neurons derived from iPSCs of both ALS patients and healthy individuals, utilizing a convolutional neural network (CNN) model that achieves classification accuracy. This innovative approach aims to deepen the understanding of ALS mechanisms and facilitate early diagnosis and personalized treatment strategies, potentially transforming the management of neurodegenerative diseases. The research institute is seeking for clinical studies partners and pharmaceutical companies for collaboration.
Nontoxic Photoinitiators and 3D Printed Inks
Phosphine oxide-based photoinitiators, such as TPO and BAPO, are commonly used in biomedical applications due to their effective polymerization properties. TPO is widely used in products like coatings, inks, and adhesives. The industry is seeking safer alternatives with an upcoming ban on TPO effective from September 2025 in Europe due to its reproductive toxicity. Current alternatives focus on either low toxicity or increased water solubility, but there is a significant gap in finding a photoinitiator that combines both. This is important for applications requiring high biocompatibility, such as biomedical devices and tissue engineering. This technology is a new generation of photoinitiators that offers significantly lower toxicity compared to TPO/BAPO, making them ideal for sensitive biomedical applications. Their enhanced water solubility allows them to integrate easily into aqueous systems without harmful solvents, supporting the demand for sustainable products. Water-soluble photoinitiators also improve biocompatibility, reducing the risk of toxicity in applications involving direct contact with biological tissues. Additionally, these photoinitiators are customizable in curing speed, depth, and substrate compatibility, making them suitable for a variety of industries including coatings, adhesives, and advanced 3D printing. The technology owner is seeking IP licensing and R&D collaborators in the biomedical field, including manufacturers of hydrogel-based products like wound healing patches, tissue scaffolds, or bioadhesives along with companies in the materials and personal space looking for safer, sustainable photoinitiator alternatives. Medical institutions that can expand on the in vitro cytotoxicity studies or translate in vitro cytotoxicity results into in vivo animal models are also of interest. 
Bendable Concrete Tactile Indicator
Tactile indicators and flat tiles are typically made from porcelain-based or traditional concrete materials. Porcelain surfaces tend to be smooth and slippery, posing a safety risk for pedestrians, and they are also brittle, making them prone to damage. Traditional concrete, while more durable, is bulky and heavy, making installation challenging. Bendable concrete tactile indicators offer a solution to the drawbacks of both materials. They are slip-resistant, durable, and lightweight, making them easier to install. It utilizes high-performance fiber-reinforced concrete that is designed using the micro-mechanics guided principles. The design focuses on suitable tailoring of fiber-cementitious matrix interface that enable tensile strain-hardening characteristics similar to metal. Under normal load conditions, bendable concrete exhibits stiffness comparable to traditional concrete. However, when overloaded, instead of fracturing suddenly, it deforms while continuing to bear the load, much like ductile metals that undergo plastic deformation after yielding. This material is exceptionally tough, with a fracture toughness comparable to that of aluminum alloys. The technology owner is seeking potential partnerships for IP licensing. Potential partners include tile manufacturers and companies in related industries.


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Seeking Fermentation Technologies for Sustainable Food Production
Fermentation is one of the oldest technologies used in food processing, Traditionally, fermentation was used as a method of preserving food, as well as imparting unique flavor profiles, such as in products like soy sauce or tempeh. In recent years, driven by the demand for a more sustainable food production system, fermentation is also studied for its applications in breaking down organic matter from indigestible to digestible nutrition for human consumption, growing biomass from the microorganisms used in the process, or producing specific target compounds like protein, fat or other nutrients. With Singapore’s ’30 by 30’ goal to produce 30% of our nutritional needs locally and sustainably by 2030, fermentation technologies are primed to play a key role in the food industry.
Seeking Solutions for Management and Treatment of Chronic Wounds
Diabetic foot ulcer is a devastating complication of diabetes mellitus and significant cause of mortality and morbidity all over the world and can be complex and costly. The development of foot ulcer in a diabetic patient has been estimated to be 19%-34% through their lifetime. The pathophysiology of diabetic foot ulcer consist of neuropathy, trauma and, in many patients, additional peripheral arterial disease. In particular, diabetic neuropathy leads to foot deformity, callus formation, and insensitivity to trauma or pressure. The management of DFU is usually complex and challenging to clinicians in clinical practice. The critical aspects of the wound healing mechanism and host physiological status in patients with diabetes necessitate the selection of an appropriate treatment strategy based on the complexity and type of wound. Additionally, costs of diabetic foot ulcerations have been increased to the treatment cost of many common cancers. Estimated costs of DFU management are greater than 1 billion in both developed and developing countries. Moreover, infection of a DFU frequently leads to limb amputation, causing significant morbidity, psychological distress and reduced quality of life and life expectancy. 

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Learn how our innovation services have enabled organisations to succeed in their innovation journey.


Wheeling into the Future with Electric Motorbikes and Battery Recycling
Find out how an electric motorbike entrepreneur and battery recycling innovator work together to bring sustainable transportation to Southeast Asia.   Across Southeast Asia, motorbikes have long been a staple of transportation, weaving through traffic and bringing riders to their daily destinations. However, as air pollution continues to choke urban centres, claiming millions of lives each year, a pressing question...


Spicing Up Traditional Treats for Modern Foodies
Sea cucumber supplier, Sandhon, standardised processes and developed new ready-to-eat products by working with both IPI’s Innovation Advisory and Innovation and Technology clusters.   Sea cucumber has long been a prized delicacy in Asian cuisine and is a staple for wedding feasts and celebratory meals. But in our modern era of food delivery apps and rapidly evolving tastes, can a...


Transforming Waste, Fuelling Sustainable Maritime Transport
Local biofuel start-up, Green COP, is partnering with global palm oil producer, IOI to commercialise sustainable marine fuels. IOI supplies the agri-waste feedstock, while Green COP sets up and manages the production process of the sustainable marine fuels.   In 2021, the global cargo shipping market was valued at a whopping USD 2.2 trillion—enabling roughly 80 to 90 per cent...