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With a strong emphasis on fostering collaborations through technology and innovation, IPI seeks to empower businesses to embark on transformative journeys with our SME advisory services.

As a subsidiary of Enterprise Singapore, IPI accelerates the innovation journey of enterprises through access to its global innovation ecosystem and advisory services. We stand at the forefront of innovation-driven transformation, and our advisory services in Singapore are your key to unlocking growth and success for your business.

With a deep understanding of various industries and a track record of delivering impactful results, our advisory services for Singapore SMEs are designed to transform your vision into reality. Explore innovative technology and the available solutions to grow your business today!

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Automated Liquid Handling Robot Solutions For Lab Automation
The company offers a suite of innovative automated liquid handling systems, hardware and software for process automation designed to enhance precision, efficiency, and scalability in biological research. The industry currently faces significant challenges with semi or full automation of laboratory equipment, including high costs, limited flexibility, and manual errors. These bottlenecks hinder the efficiency and reliability of complex laboratory processes. The company's technology addresses these issues with a range of flagship products that provide cutting-edge automation for tasks such as genomic and proteomic analysis, drug discovery, and clinical diagnostics. The systems feature modular assembly, allowing for easy customization and scalability to meet the evolving needs of life science laboratories. This flexibility ensures that the solutions can adapt to various experimental setups and requirements. One of the unique value proposition of the company's technology is its ability to significantly reduce costs up to 90% compared to traditional automation systems. This cost-effectiveness is achieved through innovative mechanical design, advanced software integration, and efficient hardware utilization. Additionally, the systems boast the largest consumables library in the industry, providing researchers with a wide range of options to support their specific needs. The company is actively seeking software and OEM partnerships to further enhance its product offerings and expand its market reach. By collaborating with key partners, it aims to continue driving innovation and providing top-tier solutions to the life sciences industry.
Low Power Wireless Reception Technology
Sensor technology for smart homes and smart building services has undergone significant evolution and advancements over time. Initially designed as stand-alone devices without communication capabilities, sensors have advanced to interconnected wireless communication systems with built-in antennas powered by batteries. The latest advancements include next-generation low-power wireless reception technology, enabling the design and manufacture of long-lasting wireless sensors with miniature batteries. These advancements have greatly benefited the development of wireless sensors such as smoke and carbon monoxide detectors, sirens, fire alarms, heat alarms, and more. A Japanese corporation has developed a new low-power wireless technology that significantly enhances synchronization, standby reception, and driver processes during the sensor's wireless communication cycle.
Precision Delivery Technology Enhancing Biological Pesticide Efficacy
With mounting concerns regarding the environmental and health impacts of conventional chemical pesticides, there is a noticeable shift towards biological alternatives. This trend is fueled by a global demand for sustainable agricultural practices and safer, more environmentally-friendly produce. However, a significant challenge persists: the comparatively lower efficacy of biological pesticides. This technology addresses the challenge of low efficacy in biological pesticides, often caused by environmental factors such as heat, UV exposure, and runoffs, especially prevalent in tropical regions. It utilises plant-derived, biodegradable materials to encapsulate the biological pesticides, protecting them from environmental factors, thereby extending their residual treatment effect and reducing usage volumes and re-application frequencies. 
Advanced Pregnancy Care: A Comprehensive Obstetric Remote Monitoring Solution
With the increasing number of at-risk pregnancies and the limitation of the care delivery system, it becomes urgent to find a reliable solution that addresses technology, cost and care delivery challenges. Forging new frontiers in pregnancy care, the technology provider has developed a solution comprising a comprehensive remote monitoring suite for obstetrics care. The technology is a turnkey and modular virtual maternity care solution that enables the digitalization of existing antenatal and postnatal protocols. The technology allows the care team to deliver risk-specific care to pregnant mothers in the comfort of their homes through a patient mobile app and an array of connected monitoring devices, including a proprietary home use fetal and maternal monitor. The technology provider is looking to engage relevant stakeholders for collaboration to support their research projects and their global commercialization journey.
Plasma Activated Water Device for Agricultural Produce Decontamination
Unsafe and contaminated food poses significant global health risks, affecting approximately one in ten people worldwide and leading to economic losses of around $110 billion annually in low and middle-income countries due to reduced productivity and medical expenses. This issue also accounts for an annual burden of 33 million disability-adjusted life years and causes about 420,000 premature deaths. Additionally, the escalating use of pesticides in food production to meet the demands of a growing population contributes to approximately 200,000 deaths each year due to toxic exposure, posing severe threats to both human health and the environment.  This technology, Plasma Activated Water (PAW) provides an eco-friendly, chemical-free decontamination technique which eradicates residual chemicals, inhibiting microbial growth in agricultural produce. The technology is highly effective (95% reliability) in breaking down organic compounds, including pesticides, and destroying microbial pathogens on the surfaces of fruits and vegetables, resulting in an extended shelf-life.  PAW eliminates the need for potentially toxic chemicals for washing, minimizes chemical residues, reducing environmental impact and agricultural losses, thereby lowering costs. It effectively degrades pesticides, enhancing food safety while maintaining nutritional quality and sensory qualities.   The technology owner is seeking collaborations with agricultural companies or Institutes of Higher Learning to test-bed their technology. 
Secure Browser for Data Protection: Transforming Remote Work and Collaboration
With the advent of the intelligent era, data has become the core asset of enterprises. Simultaneously, remote work and multi-branch collaboration have emerged as new work modes. Many enterprises urgently need a cybersecurity solution that can ensure data security and improve work efficiency to deliver quality services and enhance competitiveness. Traditional enterprise security measures impose various restrictions on employees’ use of software and hardware and limit access to third-party partners, such as prohibiting access to personal computers and requiring the installation of multiple access endpoints. These restrictions generate several problems to the enterprises, such as complex usage, inadequate security defense capabilities, and high operating costs. To address these issues, the technology owner has launched an innovative enterprise security browser designed to solve security challenges in remote work and multi-location collaboration while optimizing the employee working experience. This enterprise security browser features a lightweight design, is easy to install, and seamlessly integrates into employee workflows without requiring modifications to existing software and hardware. Additionally, it employs a series of dynamic security strategies to enable find grain control over data leakage and user privacy protection, achieving effective and intelligent enterprise data security management. The technology owner is actively seeking partnership with companies with multiple employee identities in the financial and internet sectors, to co-develop and deploy this innovative enterprise security browser. Such collaboration will enable both parties to push the frontiers of data security and offering robust support for the digital transformation of enterprises.
AI Powered ToF Sensors for Smart Fall Detection
The demand for improved healthcare, coupled with increasing life expectancy and a growing elderly population, alongside resource constraints, necessitates the implementation of a 24/7 remote monitoring system equipped with an accurate risk prediction process. This process should forecast potential risks for individuals, enabling early detection and remote alerts to promptly alert healthcare providers and individual caregivers, thereby enhancing the well-being of those under care. A Japanese technology owner has developed a Time-of-Flight (ToF) sensor technology, characterised by executing a risk prediction process to predict risks for the monitored individuals based on presence range and posture.  Unlike conventional camera-based systems, the proposed technology emphasises the privacy of the monitored individual by abstaining from capturing actual photos or images. Through the implementation of a proprietary artificial intelligence (AI) algorithm, it can discern whether the individual under observation is absent from the bed, lying flat on it, sitting at its edge, or lying on the floor next to the bed. A web-based user interface had been developed to provide healthcare professionals various degrees of warning, e.g., patient at safe zone, gray zone, caution zone or bed edge zone. The technology owner is looking to work with healthcare providers, agencies or developers providing housing for the elderly, or technology companies for test bedding trials, as well as research and development collaborations to customise the technology for specific use cases.
Novel Thermoplastic Materials for New Application Development
The technology on offer are high value-added plastic materials that exhibits unique properties such as excellent sliding properties, anti-abrasion properties, releasability, anti-fouling properties and gas permeability or gas and moisture barrier properties respectively. With superior these properties, these materials are suitable for use in the development of different applications across manufacturing and healthcare sectors. Additionally, these materials have potential as alternatives to fluoropolymers such as polytetrafluoroethylene (PTFE). PTFE, widely used in many cases due to many valuable properties, has faced stricter regulations in Europe, particularly regarding perfluorooctanoic acid and substitute substances used in its manufacturing. This has driven the need for alternative materials. The technology owner has successfully demonstrated the use of these materials for automotive and consumer products and is interested to work with partners from other sectors such as food, healthcare, electronics, and construction on joint R&D projects to create novel applications.


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Seeking Fermentation Technologies for Sustainable Food Production
Fermentation is one of the oldest technologies used in food processing, Traditionally, fermentation was used as a method of preserving food, as well as imparting unique flavor profiles, such as in products like soy sauce or tempeh. In recent years, driven by the demand for a more sustainable food production system, fermentation is also studied for its applications in breaking down organic matter from indigestible to digestible nutrition for human consumption, growing biomass from the microorganisms used in the process, or producing specific target compounds like protein, fat or other nutrients. With Singapore’s ’30 by 30’ goal to produce 30% of our nutritional needs locally and sustainably by 2030, fermentation technologies are primed to play a key role in the food industry.
Seeking Solutions for Management and Treatment of Chronic Wounds
Diabetic foot ulcer is a devastating complication of diabetes mellitus and significant cause of mortality and morbidity all over the world and can be complex and costly. The development of foot ulcer in a diabetic patient has been estimated to be 19%-34% through their lifetime. The pathophysiology of diabetic foot ulcer consist of neuropathy, trauma and, in many patients, additional peripheral arterial disease. In particular, diabetic neuropathy leads to foot deformity, callus formation, and insensitivity to trauma or pressure. The management of DFU is usually complex and challenging to clinicians in clinical practice. The critical aspects of the wound healing mechanism and host physiological status in patients with diabetes necessitate the selection of an appropriate treatment strategy based on the complexity and type of wound. Additionally, costs of diabetic foot ulcerations have been increased to the treatment cost of many common cancers. Estimated costs of DFU management are greater than 1 billion in both developed and developing countries. Moreover, infection of a DFU frequently leads to limb amputation, causing significant morbidity, psychological distress and reduced quality of life and life expectancy. 
Seeking Non-Toxic Flame-Retardant Coating for Polymeric Materials
The increasing emphasis on fire safety regulations and standards, along with the growing awareness of the potential hazards posed by fires, has driven the demand for flame-retardant coatings. These coatings play important roles in fire protection by effectively slowing down the spreading of fires, thereby preventing catastrophic accidents, safeguarding assets, and saving lives. Industry segments such as electronics, automotive, aerospace, construction, and household, which extensively utilise materials prone to fire hazards, require effective fire protection solutions. As the demand for flame retardant coatings continues to rise across various sectors, the market is experiencing significant growth. According to MarketsandMarkets, the global flame retardants market is expected to be worth USD 9.5 billion by 2028, with a compound annual growth rate (CAGR) of 5.2%. Particularly, the Asia Pacific region is the fastest-growing market.   Traditional flame retardants, especially those containing brominate or chlorine, have been associated with their impacts on the environment and human health. Consequently, the demand for environmentally friendly coating solutions, such as nanocomposites and natural bio-based retardants, is growing at a rapid pace. However, the performance, efficiency, environmental impact, and cost-effectiveness of these alternative materials are still hot topics of ongoing research. This tech need calls for non-toxic and innovative flame-retardant coatings capable of addressing the above challenges. Such coating solutions should be available for test-bedding, licensing, and co-development with industrial partners, paving the way for safer and more sustainable fire protection methods.

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Learn how our innovation services have enabled organisations to succeed in their innovation journey.


Spicing Up Traditional Treats for Modern Foodies
Sea cucumber supplier, Sandhon, standardised processes and developed new ready-to-eat products by working with both IPI’s Innovation Advisory and Innovation and Technology clusters.   Sea cucumber has long been a prized delicacy in Asian cuisine and is a staple for wedding feasts and celebratory meals. But in our modern era of food delivery apps and rapidly evolving tastes, can a...


Transforming Waste, Fuelling Sustainable Maritime Transport
Local biofuel start-up, Green COP, is partnering with global palm oil producer, IOI to commercialise sustainable marine fuels. IOI supplies the plant-based waste feedstock, while Green COP sets up and manages the production process of the sustainable marine fuels.   In 2021, the global cargo shipping market was valued at a whopping USD 2.2 trillion—enabling roughly 80 to 90 per...


Sweet Success and the Flavour of Innovation
Together, IPI Innovation Advisors Francois Joubert, Shivendu Nadkarni and Mike Amour guide Creme Concepts to new heights—enhancing the ice cream empire’s operational efficiency and regional brand presence.   It all started with a craving, a sweet tooth and a big dream. Natasha Chiam has always been an avid baker, delighting in the creation of sweet treats—ice cream sandwiches, in particular. Her...