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Leveraging our wide network of partners, we have curated numerous enabling technologies available for licensing and commercialisation across different industries and domains. Enterprises interested in these technology offers and collaborating with partners of complementary technological capabilities can reach out for co-innovation opportunities.

Sustainability Software for efficiency in data collection, calculation and reporting
Amidst the imposition of compulsory climate reporting by regulatory bodies in some nations including Singapore, a powerful carbon accounting software solution has been devised. This aims to aid and fortify companies in their readiness to adhere to this necessity and embark on their sustainability journey. The software suite consists of the following solutions: GHG Emissions Management: Efficiently manage and reduce your organisation's greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions. ESG Reporting: Streamline and simplify your Environmental, Social, and Governance (ESG) reporting process. Environmental Compliance: Propel your organisation towards comprehensive ISO 14001 environmental stewardship. 24/7 Electricity Emissions Traceability: Navigate your decarbonisation journey with real-time, precise and transparent electricity emissions tracking. GHG Emissions Management At the heart of the software suite is the GHG Emissions Management solution. An all-in-one GHG emissions management software, to streamline calculating, tracking, and reporting your organisation's greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions for Scope 1, 2, and 3 activities. Accurate & Instant Emissions Calculations Transparent Target Setting & Progress Tracking Actionable Insights for Emissions Reduction Seamless Integration & Automation Data Validation & Stakeholder Engagement Offset Your Unavoidable Emissions Simplified Reporting & Compliance ESG Reporting Navigating the complex world of ESG reporting is now easier than ever with a powerful, user-friendly solution designed to save your organisation time, reduce stress, and optimise your reporting process across multiple international frameworks. Easily share disclosure questions to individuals across your company, manage their response and get knowledge from your disclosures by turning them from a compliance burden to valuable business insight. ESG Framework Templates Hub – GRI, TCFD, CDP, SASB and more ESG Data Consolidation Portal   Customised Data Insights Suite Environmental Compliance The solution incorporates features to support you when complying with ISO14001. Store all documents in one place, identify nonconformities, and create effective action plans. Audit Management and Reporting Data Health Check and Warnings Documentation Repository Data Verification and Tracking Automated Data Collection Target Setting and Tracking Electricity Emissions Traceability Our latest feature is Electricity Emissions Traceability: Get real-time, precise and transparent electricity emissions tracking telling you the intensity of the electricity from your grid on an hourly basis.   The suite of solutions are aimed at organisations taking proactive steps to measure and report their environmental and social impacts. GHG Emissions Management: Aimed at those organisations already calculating their carbon footprint looking for a more efficient solution or consultants providing carbon accounting as a service. ESG Reporting: Is useful for organisations already struggling with the compliance burden of disclosing to a different frameworks looking for ways to increase the efficiency of the process. Environmental Compliance: A solution perfect for any organisation who is ISO14001 accredited. 24/7 Electricity Emissions Traceability: A must have for those trailblazers wanting to go that step further and set an example for more accurate scope 2 reporting to encourage carbon free energy production locally.  This software solution provides sustainability consultants and partners allowing for a well-structured solution implemented quickly for their clients. This suite of software solutions is unique in combining a powerful carbon accounting tool with ESG reporting framework support, ISO14001 compliance functionality and real time scope 2 emissions reporting. Limited software company provides this suite of solutions designed to help you collect, calculate, measure, report and disclose your ESG data.     Infocomm, Big Data, Data Analytics, Data Mining & Data Visualisation, Green ICT, Sustainability, Low Carbon Economy
Injection-free Cellular Implant for Diabetes Management
In 2022, about 83 million patients suffer from insulin-dependent diabetes worldwide. From 2021 to 2045, this number is projected to increase by 46% globally. Despite the availability of approved insulin therapy as the standard of care, up to a quarter of these patients still suffer from poor blood glucose control, which can lead to a fatal drop in blood glucose levels. The team has developed a cell-encapsulating macro-device as an implant to reduce the risk of fatal drop in blood sugar of insulin-dependent diabetic patients. This patent-pending, injection-free cellular implant can effectively manage insulin-dependent diabetes by enabling enhanced survival of therapeutic insulin-secreting cells. After a simple under-skin insertion of the macro-device, the cells in this implant can sense the blood glucose level of a diabetic patient and secrete insulin to continuously provide injection-free, precise glucose control. The device also protects the insulin secreting therapeutic cells by encapsulating them in a hydrogel to shield them from immune attacks and alleviate the patient from the need for immunosuppression. This technology could offer a safer alternative treatment for these insulin-dependent patients who experience poor blood glucose control with conventional insulin therapy. This platform technology includes two main components: a protective hydrogel membrane and living therapeutic cells. These cells are encapsulated within the hydrogel, which has controllable pores. These pores are large enough for nutrients and therapeutic agents to pass through, allowing the cells to survive and function normally. Furthermore, the pore size is small enough to block the entry of immune cells and harmful molecules, protecting the therapeutic cells from the patient's immune system. This protection eliminates the need for lifelong use of immunosuppressants, easing the burden on the patient. Once implanted inside the patient, the therapeutic cells inside the device can sense the biological environment and secrete their therapeutic agents, typically insulin in the case of diabetes, as required. The proprietary device design also improves oxygen access for the therapeutic cells by arranging them in donut-shaped microtissues, providing more surface area for oxygen intake compared to their natural spheroidal shape. These microtissues are then organized into arrays to prevent aggregation, enhancing survival of the therapeutic cells and potentially prolonging treatment duration without the need for additional agents or accessories. The technology development is currently focusing on treatment for insulin-dependent diabetes. In addition to this indication, it could serve as a platform technology for the treatment of other hormone-deficiency diseases by encapsulating different types of therapeutic cells to secrete missing hormones of interest. The applicable indications include, but are not limited to, hemophilia A and thyroid disorder. With 83 million patients worldwide suffering from insulin-dependent diabetes in 2022, there is an urgent unmet need for a safer alternative treatment for patients unresponsive to insulin therapy. The proposed cellular therapy has the potential to fulfil this need, and there is no similar treatment already approved and available in the market. Targeting the young insulin-dependent patient population (Type 1 Diabetes) experiencing poor blood glucose control and able to afford the treatment, it is estimated that the service obtainable market in the United States could achieve an annual revenue of approximately 70 million USD. A similar estimation values the Chinese market at 37 million USD annually.  The  macro-device implant is designed to provide continuous and precise blood glucose control without requiring manual intervention and injection. The proprietary hydrogel design provides protection from immune rejection as alleviating the patient from the burden of lifelong immunosuppressant usage. The device design also potentially improves the survival of encapsulated cells, promising a sustainable and prolonged efficacious duration without overburdening the patient with additional accessories. diabetes, type 1 diabetes, injection free insulin delivery, insulin, insulin delivery, cell therapy, therapeutics, stem cells, hydrogel, implant, implant device Healthcare, Medical Devices, Pharmaceuticals & Therapeutics
Assisted Rehabilitation Using Soft Robotics
Patients who have stroke, brain injuries, cerebral palsy, arthritis or suffer from other neurological disorders often experience motor impairments; patients with delayed or lack of rehabilitation suffer from more severe physical sequelae, such as, spasticity and muscle atrophy, which decreases their level of independence It has been reported by World Health Organisation, that the need for rehabilitation continues to grow worldwide, especially in low- and middle income countries. The demand for rehabilitation services already exceeds availability, leaving a large unmet need. Longer life expectancies and increasing survival rates for those with severe disability, coupled with the rising prevalence of chronic diseases means that globally there will be an increase in the health burden associated with limitations in functioning. For both the patients and therapists, there is a need for efficient models of rehabilitation care are needed. This invention is of a robotic manipulator that can assist or be programmed to move or mobilize patients’ limbs or joints repetitively during rehabilitation or to perform daily tasks, for e.g., of gripping a cup, bowl or utensil, in a safe, reliable and effective manner. The device can be used in a clinical and/or at-home setting. This invention is of a hybrid robotic manipulator that consists of both soft and rigid materials, with a portable base, modular design and sensing elements integrated for more functions. The technology was developed to aid physiotherapists in doing repetitive rehabilitation motions for bed-ridden patients. This innovative solution for patients allows them to regain their upper limb motor functions and improve their quality of life. The technology can be used as an upper limb rehabilitation system that is portable, comfortable, lightweight, and user-friendly. With its versatility and flexibility, this system can be deployed in places where assistance for rehabilitation of the patients is needed, such as hospitals, rehabilitation centres and elder-care centres to do simple repetitive rehabilitation motions for the patients, such as shoulder flexion/extension, shoulder abduction/adduction, elbow flexion/extension, etc.  The global rehabilitation robots market was valued at USD 226.0 million in 2021 and is expected to expand at a compound annual growth rate (CAGR) of 17.3% from 2022 to 2030 (Source: Grand View Research). The growth can be attributed to the rising per capita healthcare spending and rapid adoption of technologically advanced equipment in the healthcare sector. The rising prevalence of stroke and the rapidly growing population of older adults are some of the key driving factors responsible for the growth. Technological advancements are also playing a major role in supporting industry growth. Furthermore, increasing disorders such as cumulative trauma disorder, repetitive strain injury, and occupational overuse syndromes further impact the market positively. A large population with musculoskeletal disorders, spinal cord injury, and others tend to move to hospitals for rehabilitation services, thereby boosting the growth of the segment. In addition, surging awareness regarding technologically advanced systems, along with a rise in the number of FDA approvals on medical exoskeletons, is anticipated to drive the segmental growth. Couple this, with the acute shortage of qualified physiotherapists to address the expected increase in patient demand, indicates a strong market potential for assistive rehabilitation robotic technologies such as this invention. This hybrid robotic arm ensures better safety during human-robotic interactions, and demonstrated higher force, versatility and portability compared to existing robotic arms. The key feature of this invention provides: Better safety: The robotic arm was created with both rigid and soft materials. The core of the hybrid robotic arm was made of aluminium as the supporting structure, and the outer layer was made of fabric air pockets as the protective material. Compared to traditional rigid robotic arms, the hybrid robotic arm ensures better safety during human-robotic interactions, as well as higher portability which increases user convenience. Reconfigurable modular robotic arm: All modules of the hybrid robotic arm are exchangeable, which allows the robotic arm to exhibit different arm length and various configurations such as beam-joint-beam and beam-beam-joint, according to the application requirements. Integrated sensing elements for easier control: Machine Learning based sensing elements are integrated to the system to allow a playback learning capability in which the physiotherapists can teach the system to perform a rehabilitation motion along a desired path of motion, and to provide data for the physiotherapists to track and analyze rehabilitation progress of the patients Physiotheraphy, Soft Robotics, Robotics, stroke rehabilitation, rehabilitation, robots, rehabilitation robots, modular, robotic arm, robotic manipulator Healthcare, Medical Devices
Wearable Sensing and Haptics Technology for Virtual Reality (VR)
This technology portfolio covers wearable sensing and haptics for Virtual Reality (VR). The wearable sensors can provide gesture-based control in VR without the need for cameras, providing interactive control for VR for lower end headset. The sensor use electronic textiles and a patented sensing scheme that requires no additional electronics except a microcontroller. They present ultralow latency (<1ms), can distinguish between wearer and non-wearer and have exceptional noise rejection. The haptics technology allows for simulation of resistance and micro sensations on the fingers and palm. This is crucial for applications like surgical training, as surgeons routinely rely on their sense of touch in real world scenarios. The jamming technology uses textile-based actuators and pneumatics, making it the lightest wearable technology for haptics. Sensing: Textile-based wearable sensors woven into gloves. Custom microcontroller mounted on the glove. Proprietary signal conditioning and processing algorithm. Haptics: 3D-printec micro haptics actuators, as well as 3D printed+ fabric-based jamming actuators.Pnuematics pressure source, valves and control box. VR-based training is the main target for the haptics. The tech owner has signed LOIs with studios with downstream medical clients. The patented sensing methods allows for ultralow latency (<1ms) sensing with almost no hysteresis, which is unique in case of wearable soft sensors. This makes them ideal for use in applications like gaming and other wearable input devices, where other soft sensor leave a lot to be desired for a good user experience.   Sensing: Gaming and VR interaction- without the need for extra cameras: the wearable sensing provides a cheaper alternative to additional headset cameras. Haptics: Medical training professionals- haptics is crucial for applications like surgical training where dexterity needs to be trained. Current applications of VR can only train procedures. XR based training is becoming popular as it saves up to 80% cost compared to traditional methods and improves retention by up to 4x. The market for XR hardware is already a S$2.6B market and growing rapidly. The market is project to grow 40-50% YOY over the next 5 years. This is greatly being aided by addition of application layers such as OpenXR that allow for cross-compatibility between hardware such as the devices we are building. The sensor can distinguish between wearer and non-wearer, has exceptional noise resistance, and the system has extremely low power consumption owing to the sensing method used. The jamming haptics technology uses fabric-based jamming which is the lightest in-class for wearables. This makes it ideal for applications where dexterity is requited- such as VR surgical training. The micro-haptics uses 3D printed designs that supply higher force output at lower pressures due to their patented multi-layer design. Infocomm, Internet of Things
Precision Medicine for the Management of Chronic Inflammatory Diseases
Systemic drug administration has conventionally been prescribed to alleviate persistent local inflammation which is prevalent in chronic diseases. However, this approach is associated with drug-induced toxicity, particularly when the dosage exceeds what is necessitated from the pathological conditions of the diseased tissues. This technology developed is a novel drug delivery technology that is activated to enable the release of appropriate drug payload according to the patient’s condition on the level of disease severity. The drug delivery system is a modular hybrid hydrogel carrier encapsulating the required anti-inflammatory drug which is triggered to release upon exposure to elevated markers of inflammation such as increased protease activity which is commonly upregulated in inflammatory diseases.   The technology has been validated for its material, safety, and toxicity studies on ex vivo exudates of clinical samples, in vivo wound model, and arthritis diseased mouse model. The primary targeted indication is Rheumatoid arthritis based on its significant disease unmet need and market size. It aims to become a platform technology as an effective therapy against chronic inflammatory diseases such as inflammation bowel diseases, chronic wounds and topical application. The convenience of the technology offers significant societal benefits, particularly for ageing populations where the incidence of pain and inflammation arising from diseases becomes prevalent with age while potentially eliminating adverse side effects from traditional delivery of drug administration.  The technology owner is seeking for collaborations with clinicians, biopharma, biotech companies looking for novel drug delivery systems. The platform technology is based on a hydrogel system with a proprietary modular design for which drug component and inflammation-sensing component can be selected and tailored based on the profile of an inflammatory disease of interest. Key features of this platform drug delivery technology are: Modular in design Immuno-compatible Versatile for both injectable into joints and topical application on wound This drug delivery system is formulated into an injectable pain-relieving gel for arthritic patients. With a single injection into the joints of arthritis patients, the therapeutic drug within the hydrogel formulation will be released at a dosage matching the intensity and frequency of inflammation flares to achieve prolonged control of inflammation and pain. This analgesic product solution can help arthritic patients avoid frequent steroid injections while maintaining pain-free joints with minimal risk of adverse side effects. The stage of the technolgy can be applied with Steroidal and Non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs) currently. This drug delivery platform offers a versatile platform for biomarker dependant drug dose release and delivery at appropriate inflammation site via either an injectable or topical application to effectively manage long-term inflammation seen in chronic conditions. The technology can be applied to create precision therapeutics in injectable or topical formulation to treat chronic inflammation conditions such as arthritis, skin inflammatory diseases, Inflammatory Bowel Diseases (IBD), chronic wounds and Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Diseases (COPD) which can be potentially expanded to other areas including eye, skin and dental as a pain control for inflammation and the possibility of encapsulating proteins and peptides. The estimated Total Available Market (TAM), which is the global rheumatology therapeutics market, was USD 48.4 billion in 2020 with an expected growth to USD $64.4B by 2028, expanding at a CAGR of 3.1% during this forecast period. The Serviceable Available Market (SAM), estimated base on corticosteroid market for management of arthritic flare as the primary indication, accounts for 25% of joint-pain injection market which will be worth USD $9.2 billion by 2030. The technology is in PCT national regional phase entry for several markets including USA, China, EU, Japan, Korea, and Australia.  Key features of this precision medicine: Effective management of inflammatory condition Minimize adverse side effects Minimize frequency of drug administration Precision Medicine, Drug Delivery, Anti-inflammation, Chronic disease, Hydrogel, Arthritis Healthcare, Medical Devices, Pharmaceuticals & Therapeutics
Scalable Technology Converting Fruit By-products to Functional Food Ingredients
Singapore has a high consumption of fruits and vegetables, both locally produced and imported, and a significant portion of the total waste generated is derived from fruits and vegetables. These fruits and vegetables contain untapped nutritional and functional properties that can be upcycled into higher value products. This institute of higher learning has developed a technology with the know-how to cultivate microorganisms and a series of zero-waste extraction and purification methods to maximize the value of fruit peels into functional food ingredients.  This technology is designed for three types of industry players: i) fruit vending/processing industry with abundance of good quality fruit by-products; ii) waste management industry with technologies to value add to the by-products; and iii) start-ups with keen interest to upcycle by-products into novel food ingredients. The technology is a sustainable process and here are some key features: Zero waste solution – achieving circular economy Low-carbon economy, reduced waste during manufacturing Easy to assemble using off-the-shelf commercial-ready equipment Low CAPEX, modular installation Simple method – any technician with basic training and carry out the process Scalable – abundance of fruit by-products to achieve economies of scale A reactor for pilot scale testing at a reasonable cost has been fabricated for collaborators to tap on. Food-grade microbial protein: A protein-rich source of food ingredient with functional properties to be applied into beverages, confectionery, plant-based meats Pectin from fruit peels: A finished product upon extraction process, it is rich in soluble dietary fiber that can be used as natural thickener or in jam/sauces and beverages. Cleaning agents: Antimicrobial properties were observed in the fruit peels post extraction Good quality fruit by-products from fruit industry are valuable resources for upcycling. These materials are currently disposed  by incineration. With the high moisture content of fruit peels, incineration is energy-intensive leading to higher CO2 emission. This technology produces valuable food ingredients such as protein and dietary fiber, contributing to both food security and circular economy. microbial protein, dietary fiber, dietary fibre, fuit by-product, fruit peel, zero waste, sustainable food ingredients, fruit waste, food waste, upcycle, food valorisation Waste Management & Recycling, Food & Agriculture Waste Management, Sustainability, Circular Economy, Food Security
Soft Robot for Assistive Care of the Aged
Population aging is a global phenomenon as most industrialized countries are experiencing growth in the size and proportion of elderly citizens in their population. The percentage of older adults is estimated to be double by 2050 than that in 2019, which will place new challenges on the social economy and healthcare. The increasing population of elderly people requires great attention to be paid to age-related problems. Especially, the decreased physical capacities cause elderly people to rely on others to perform daily activities such as showering, dressing, and eating. The lack of independence in activities of daily living (ADL) decreases their quality of life and exaggerate financial burden for family healthcare.   According to studies on affected daily activities of older adults, the showering activity needs more frequent assistance than any other ADL. Existing commercial products, such as Tutti Assisted Bath Tub and Sit & Shower, can provide automated bathing assistance for the elderly people. However, the available products are usually time-based passive cleaning that lacks active physical interactions with users, and thus they do not have some basic functionalities during showering such as scrubbing and wiping. Alternatively, robotic arms can provide active support in showering activity. Recent soft robotics technologies ensure safe and comfortable human-robot interactions. With different types of actuation (e.g. pneumatic, cable-driven), soft robotic manipulators can have dexterous motions and adaptable stiffness to achieve desired tasks. The technology consists of a soft robotic arm and machine learning based algorithm. It can assist elderly people during showering activities according to the user’s needs. As an example, the robotic shower can wash body parts that may difficult to reach, like the back or lower part of the legs. In particular, it has unique features that include:  Safe and comfortable human-robot interaction for pouring water and wiping  Air or water actuation  Affordable and cost effective  The applications include but are not limited to:  Assist showering activity for elderly people  Luxury high-tech showers  Re-purposed to assist disabled people or hospitalized patients  Our robot is based on user-centred design. Soft robotics is widely recognized as enabling safe human-robot interactions owing to its inherent compliance, compared to traditional rigid robots. The soft robot is equipped with machine learning based intelligent algorithms to efficiently accomplish desired assistive tasks.  soft robotics, Soft robot, Assistive healthcare, Aged healthcare, aging Personal Care, Wellness & Spa, Healthcare, Medical Devices, Manufacturing, Assembly, Automation & Robotics
Augmented Reality Artificial Intelligence Glasses
Augmented Reality (AR) Artificial Intelligence (AI) Glasses are transforming the landscape of industrial and field applications. Designed to streamline processes and improve efficiency, these glasses are a ground-breaking solution to the necessity of instant, accurate, and engaging data presentation.  Housed in a pioneering, lightweight design, these AR AI Glasses effectively address the challenges faced with conventional AR devices, including their bulky nature, short-lived battery life, and limited connectivity. By ensuring an incredibly low heat signature, extended battery life, and compatibility with Wi-Fi, 4G, and 5G networks, these glasses have been developed with users' comfort and usability in mind, ensuring efficient performance throughout the day.  These glasses are a valuable asset to a variety of sectors, such as manufacturing, logistics, healthcare, and construction, that value precision, efficiency, and safety. By seamlessly integrating sophisticated technologies like AR and AI into everyday operations, the glasses eliminate the need for extensive staff retraining or major procedural changes. They provide real-time information, enhance remote collaboration, and come with built-in security features like facial recognition, promising to fundamentally change how tasks are executed within these industries.  The AR AI Glasses blend advanced software and state-of-the-art hardware -  Hardware:  Featherweight Design: The glasses weigh at a mere 46g, ensuring all-day comfort.  Robust Build: Designed to endure, these glasses are IP67 rated and explosion-proof, making them ideal for a variety of demanding environments.  Minimal Heat Signature: A top heat signature of ≤40°C prevents discomfort during extended use. Extended Battery Life: The glasses offer 3.5 hours of continuous operation, which can be boosted to 10 hours with an auxiliary power bank.  Software:  Uninterrupted Connectivity: These glasses are designed to support Wi-Fi, 4G, and 5G networks, ensuring seamless connectivity and data transfer.  Secure Communications: These glasses are designed to provide secure communication channels, offering a reliable platform for data exchange.  Tailored Application Development: The technology supports the development of custom applications, allowing solutions to be tailored to unique business needs.  Remote Collaboration: Leveraging a SaaS Platform, these glasses are designed to support remote assistance, monitoring, training, and assessment.  Step-by-step SOP Support: This technology can break down complex procedures into manageable step- by-step instructions using video, image, and text.  Facial/Object Recognition: A key feature that validates objects/identity of individuals.  Optimal technology partners encompass the entire value chain, ranging from AR/VR application developers for software improvements, to hardware manufacturers responsible for producing and upgrading the glasses. Network service providers too can play a crucial role in enhancing connectivity. Industries such as manufacturing, logistics, healthcare, and security, where operational efficiency and precision are paramount, represent key sectors that would benefit from this technology. The AR AI Glasses has a broad array of potential applications across diverse sectors, from manufacturing and logistics to healthcare and construction.  Manufacturing: These glasses can streamline operations through real-time communication and guidance, allowing for remote collaboration and training. The in-built SOP functionality can simplify complex assembly procedures, minimizing errors and bolstering productivity.  Logistics: These glasses can transform inventory management, tracking, and overall operations by providing real-time information access and facilitating remote collaboration. The result is a more efficient and streamlined logistic operation.  Healthcare: The remote collaboration functionality of the glasses can be a boon for telemedicine. It allows for remote consultations, training, and guidance, ensuring that distance is no longer a barrier to quality healthcare.  Construction: These glasses can enhance on-site safety by providing step-by-step SOPs to workers. In addition, real-time patrolling and threat assessment become feasible with these glasses.  The products that can leverage this technology are not confined to the glasses themselves. They extend to software solutions tailor-made for specific industries to maximize the use of AR AI Glasses.   The augmented reality (AR) and artificial intelligence (AI) market, which includes devices such as this AR AI Glasses, is poised for a significant growth.  The industrial sector is undergoing a significant shift towards digitization and automation. This evolution calls for innovative, technology-driven solutions, such as this AR AI Glasses. By enhancing worker safety, boosting efficiency, and refining processes, these glasses offer immense value to industries ranging from manufacturing and logistics to healthcare and security.  With the advent of 5G, rapid and secure data transmission and seamless communication to and from compatible devices, such as these glasses, has become a possibility and this further increases their market adoption. These AR AI Glasses represents a significant improvement over traditional AR technology, featuring an array of cutting-edge specifications tailor-made for industrial and field environments. These glasses depart from the norm, offering a solution that is not only lightweight and comfortable but also resilient and specifically designed for enduring use in demanding work scenarios. These AR AI Glasses offer the following unique benfits - Lightweight and comfortable design for long term usage. Remote collaboration capability. Inbuilt facial recognition feature. Support for customized application development to allow modifications to suit unique operational needs. Compatibility with Wi-Fi, 4G and 5G networks to leverage evolving communication technologies. Secure and seamless data sharing and communication.   AR, VR, AR Glasses Infocomm, Video/Image Processing, Augmented Reality, Virtual Reality & Computer-Simulated Environments, Healthcare, Telehealth, Medical Software & Imaging
Material and Tools Tracking in Manufacturing
Effective tracking and management of Work-In-Progress (WIP) and inventory across a manufacturing facility are key to maintaining productivity and operational efficiency. Despite this, misplaced inventory and inefficient tracking remain common problems within the sector, leading to time wasted on locating items, losses due to unaccounted inventory, and ultimately, a reduction in productivity.  To tackle these challenges, an innovative solution has been developed that integrates advanced technologies, sophisticated hardware, and robust software features to optimize manufacturing operations. This solution provides real-time traceability of WIP and inventory throughout a factory, thereby reducing time wasted in locating items and preventing losses due to unaccounted inventory.  The solution seamlessly integrates with various systems including Manufacturing Execution Systems (MES), Preventive Maintenance (PM) systems, and Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) systems. This integration capability allows it to trigger alerts, visualize processes, and reduce waste, thereby streamlining operations and minimizing inefficiencies.  The track and trace solution are an amalgamation of sophisticated state of the art hardware and software components – Hardware: Custom made racks and retrofits. LF/HF/UHF RFID for tagging and tracking. Barcode scanners for identification. Pick-to-Light systems for order picking. Weight sensors for inventory measurement. AI driven video analysis for surveillance and tracking. Software: Work in progress (WIP) tracking. Inventory management. Preventive maintenance (PM) material tracking. In line material ordering. Data analytics. The ideal collaboration partners for this solution would be manufacturing firms looking to optimize their operations, manufacturing execution system (MES) providers for system integration, hardware manufacturers for creating customized racks and hardware components, and technology companies focusing on RFID, AI, and data analytics. These partners would collectively contribute to the development, implementation, and continual enhancement of the track and trace solution. The track and trace solution has wide applicability across a multitude of manufacturing industries where tracking and managing of tools, parts, and Work-In-Progress (WIP) items is crucial. Key industries include semiconductor manufacturing, automotive production, aerospace manufacturing, and other large-scale industrial setups. In semiconductor manufacturing, it can be used to monitor the movement of sensitive materials like wafers and reticle masks. For the automotive and aerospace industries, it could be used to track the assembly of complex components, ensuring that all parts are accounted for and in the correct location. The system's flexibility allows it to be applied on both large and small scales, catering to a vast range of operational needs. Its potential applications aren't limited to the tracking of physical items; the data it gathers can also be used for predictive analytics, proactive replenishment of inventory, and enhanced forecasting, among others. Consequently, products that can be marketed based on this technology range from inventory management systems and predictive maintenance solutions to data analytics software. The complexity of manufacturing processes continues to rise, fuelling the need for innovative and advanced tracking and traceability solutions. The increasing emphasis on lean manufacturing, cost-cutting, and waste reduction are some of the driving forces behind this demand. Given these factors, the global market for such solutions is on an upward trajectory. As industries become more technologically reliant and digitized, the emphasis on precise, real-time tracking and traceability will only amplify. The market size, already sizable, is projected to witness substantial growth in the coming decade. This technology is particularly attractive to the market due to its multi-faceted benefits - it does not merely track and trace, but also integrates with existing systems, enhances forecasting, and significantly improves operational efficiency. It's robust set of features and the capability to address multiple pain points make it an appealing choice for businesses across the manufacturing sector. The track and trace solution provides a significant advancement over the current "State-of-the-Art". While traditional systems offer tracking and traceability, they often fall short when it comes to real-time data, seamless integration with existing systems, and the use of advanced technologies. This solution addresses these gaps by providing real-time tracking and traceability across the entire manufacturing process. This significantly reduces waste, enhances productivity, and improves operational efficiency.  In addition to superior tracking, this solution incorporates technologies like RFID and AI-based Video Analytics, providing unprecedented levels of precision and data insights. This also facilitates enhanced forecasting and inventory management capabilities, enabling businesses to better predict and meet their needs. The solution seamlessly integrates with existing Manufacturing Execution Systems (MES), Preventive Maintenance (PM) systems, and Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) systems. This feature ensures that businesses can implement the solution without significant disruption and harness their current platforms to achieve better efficiency. Equipment, WIP, Material Control Infocomm, Video/Image Analysis & Computer Vision, Manufacturing, Assembly, Automation & Robotics, Robotics & Automation, Logistics, Inventory Management