Dr Mabel Wang

Dr Mabel Wang

Lead Professional Officer

Singapore Institute of Technology

Foods - Product Design & Development, Prototype Build, Test & Verification/Clinical Trials, Certification/Regulatory Compliance


Dr Mabel Wang has more than 20 years of R&D experience in food science & technology, gaining substantive academic and industry expertise in functional food product and process development. She published approximately 10 peer-reviewed international scientific journals and book chapters. Having worked in food & beverage companies like ADM Cocoa and Yeo Hiap Seng (YHS), her R&D expertise is proven by many successfully commercialised products, which range from healthier Asian drinks, calcium-fortified soymilk and industry chocolates for Singapore, China, Asia Pacific countries, Europe, Middle East, Canada and USA markets, etc. She set up an in-vitro glycemic index (GI) assessment facility in Temasek Polytechnic in 2013. As Domain Chair (Food Technology), she led a R&D team to develop functional food products, especially low GI food products (e.g., noodles, breads, steamed buns and beverages), and conducted sensory evaluation and shelf life study projects for food industry. Having worked closely with local food SMEs, she was recognised and appointed by Enterprise Singapore (ESG) as SkillsFuture Mentor from Nov 2018 to July 2019. 


R&D in Functional Food & Beverage

Initiated industry project collaborations in the following areas:

  • Technology innovation in product and process development
  • Technical solutions for product formulation to address nutrition and health related needs
  • Determination of consumers’ preference and purchase behaviors towards food products
  • Technical services for product quality assessment and improvement such as shelf-life study
  • Improvement of food hygiene and safety management
  • Applied research and applications on food carbohydrates and tea antioxidants

Expertise Provided
  • Foods - Product Design & Development
Development and Commercialisation of a Range of Low GI Food Products

Being a Principal Investigator (PI), Mabel successfully developed a range of low GI food products, which range from wheat noodles, breads, steam buns and beverages. Not only is she familiar with the applications of functional ingredients in product formulation, she is also familiar with food processing, quality assessments and statistical data analysis.

Expertise Provided
  • Foods - Product Design & Development, Prototype Build, Test & Verification/Clinical Trials, Certification/Regulatory Compliance
Sensory Evaluation of Functional / Nutritional Drinks

Being a Principal Investigator (PI), Mabel led a project team to carry out consumer surveys on functional/nutritional drinks among pregnant women and the elderly, who were the vulnerable groups of end users requiring special techniques in the studies. Mabel is capable in project coordination and planning, execution, data analysis, results interpretation, and technical report writing.

Expertise Provided
  • Foods - Test & Verification/Clinical Trials
Shelf-Life Study of Food Products Stored in Incubators under Controlled Environment

Being a Principal Investigator (PI), Mabel headed a project team to complete a comprehensive shelf-life study on a series of products, which included rice, noodles, and canned foods. Controlled storage conditions were carefully designed, quality tests covering physical, chemical, and microbiological aspects were well planned and conducted; data were statistically analysed, modelled, and interpreted; shelf life of the products were appropriately determined. 

Expertise Provided
  • Foods - Test & Verification/Clinical Trials
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