Dr Chandrasekaran Margam

Dr Chandrasekaran Margam


Wise Consultants and Services Pte Ltd

Healthcare - Product Design & Development, Prototype Build, Test & Verification/Clinical Trials, Process/Industrial Engineering, Certification/Regulatory Compliance
Manufacturing - Product Design & Development, Prototype Build, Test & Verification/Clinical Trials, Process/Industrial Engineering
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Dr Chandrasekaran Margam is a scientist with broad expertise in processing of materials for various applications such as biomedical implants/scaffolds, automotive applications, aerospace and similar applications. He is also experienced in additive manufacturing, tribology and characterisation, regulatory standards, business and operational strategies, transfer of technology from lab to commercialisation, market and technology analysis and evaluation.

Dr Margam is currently the convener for three National Mirror Working Groups on ISO/TC 210 (Quality Management and Corresponding General Aspects for Medical Devices), ISO/TC 150 (Implants for Surgery) and ISO/TC 194 (Biological and Clinical Evaluation of Medical Devices). He is also the author of two books and a chapter for Metals for Medical Devices and ASM Handbook Vol 18 Friction Wear and Lubrication.


ISO 9001:2015 Implementation

Offered consultancy for implementation of ISO 9001:2015 for a local SME and trained the staff on ISO 9001 and Internal Quality Audit

Expertise Provided
  • Manufacturing - Certification/Regulatory Compliance
Process Evaluation and New Product Identification

This was a consultancy for an SME working on accessory for building construction to look at existing product improvements and also expansion of product portfolio and business operations.

Expertise Provided
  • Manufacturing - Product Design & Development, Process/Industrial Engineering, Certification/Regulatory Compliance
Product Development, Process Optimization and Regulatory Certification

As a Chief Scientist and Acting CEO, he was leading the team on product development, biocompatibility testing with GLP certified labs, clinical trial coordination and management, regulatory certification and approvals. Key achievements include lab to commercialization of technology, process development and optimization of a dental tissue engineering scaffold, obtaining the FDA 510k for the product, local regulatory registration for the current product, ISO 13485 & MDD II.3 and II.4 (CE Mark) for the product and product registrations in Singapore, India and Taiwan. Initiated two NPDs. The technology and the product also received a mention and NDR speech.

Expertise Provided
  • Materials - Product Design & Development, Prototype Build, Test & Verification/Clinical Trials, Process/Industrial Engineering, Certification/Regulatory Compliance
  • Manufacturing - Product Design & Development, Prototype Build, Test & Verification/Clinical Trials, Process/Industrial Engineering, Certification/Regulatory Compliance
  • Life Sciences - Product Design & Development, Prototype Build, Test & Verification/Clinical Trials, Process/Industrial Engineering, Certification/Regulatory Compliance
Development of Cold Forming of Titanium

The project involved use of suitable alloying additions for obtaining the required micro-structure for cold/warm forgeability in titanium alloys which is normally processed at temperatures close to 900-1000°C.

Expertise Provided
  • Materials - Product Design & Development, Prototype Build, Test & Verification/Clinical Trials
  • Manufacturing - Product Design & Development, Prototype Build, Test & Verification/Clinical Trials
Process Development of Scaffold for Bone Regeneration

This project was to develop biopolymeric scaffold systems for tissue engineering applications such as bone regeneration. The project involved identification of materials and the processing of the polymeric systems using additive manufacturing. A new processing method by combining conventional manufacturing and additive manufacturing was developed which was patented and a local SME took it for commercialization.

Expertise Provided
  • Materials - Prototype Build, Test & Verification/Clinical Trials
  • Manufacturing - Prototype Build, Test & Verification/Clinical Trials
Development of Carbon Fibre Reinforced Al Composites

This project is about development of high modulus carbon fibre reinforced aluminium composites for applying in wire bonding machine components requiring precision motion with rigidity.

Expertise Provided
  • Materials - Product Design & Development, Test & Verification/Clinical Trials
  • Manufacturing - Product Design & Development, Test & Verification/Clinical Trials, Prototype Build
Development of Scaffolds Using Direct and Indirect Prototyping

The project is to develop tissue substitutes with bio materials using both direct and indirect rapid prototyping methods (or additive manufacturing) with/without bioactive surface coatings. Both indirect methods and direct laser sintering methods were applied for preparation of tissue substitutes and in vitro evaluation of the so developed scaffolds were successfully completed.

Expertise Provided
  • Materials - Product Design & Development, Prototype Build, Test & Verification/Clinical Trials
  • Manufacturing - Product Design & Development, Prototype Build, Test & Verification/Clinical Trials
Establishment of Facilities for Processing Biopolymers and Production of Scaffolds

This was to help the industry in establishing a full fledged testing and QA facility for characterization/ quality control of manufactured scaffolds and guide them through the basic properties that need to be specified for the chosen application development.

Expertise Provided
  • Life Sciences - Test & Verification/Clinical Trials
Design and Development of a PDA casing

The project is about developing a metallic casing to have better EMI shielding capabilities while have aesthetically placed polymeric bosses for fixture of the board and casing with the screen for the PDA. A novel method of obtaining insert molding was developed in this project so that bosses fix to the stamped sheet metal strongly without affecting aesthetics of the sheet metal casing.

Expertise Provided
  • Manufacturing - Product Design & Development, Prototype Build, Test & Verification/Clinical Trials
Printing of Metallic Powders

This project is about using of 3D printing or additive manufacturing with metallic powders for developing additive manufactured metallic parts. Successfully developed the binder metal system to facilitate printing and post processing to achieve the required mechanical and physical properties. Printed titanium and aluminium parts using the developed process.

Expertise Provided
  • Manufacturing - Product Design & Development, Prototype Build, Test & Verification/Clinical Trials
Recycling Copper Slag

This project is about development of recycling method for copper slag which is used extensively for abrasive blasting cleaning purposes. This was an early stage project with proof of concept to extract value from disposed copper slag.

Expertise Provided
  • Materials - Test & Verification/Clinical Trials, Process/Industrial Engineering
Automatic Safety Needle

This project is to develop an automatic safety feature in needle holder to avoid needle stick injury in healthcare set up. Two novel designs were developed in this project to ensure automatic protection of needle after use for safe disposal and an IP was applied for the same.

Expertise Provided
  • Manufacturing - Product Design & Development, Prototype Build
Development of Selectively Reinforced Aluminium Alloys

This project was about developing selectively reinforced composites for improving wear resistance in automotive pistons by reinforcing piston crown with alumina fibres. The reinforcement was successfully obtained using squeeze casting of Al alloys (or Liquid Forging) with alumina fibre preform.

Expertise Provided
  • Manufacturing - Process/Industrial Engineering
Superplastic Forming of Aluminium and Titanium Alloys

The project was to develop superplasctically formed components using various titanium alloys for aerospace applications.

Expertise Provided
  • Manufacturing - Process/Industrial Engineering
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