Medical, fast moving consumer goods (FMCG) and training industry.
John Teo has over 30 years of experience in R&D, technology and product transfer, manufacturing, materials/supply chain and business management. He has held numerous leadership roles with start-ups, small medium enterprises and multinational companies in various industries ranging from medical to fast-moving consumer goods, in Singapore and overseas.
An inventor and technopreneur, John patented three lancet designs – one-step lancet, Elastomer lancet and Gentlepoint lancet. He founded two medtech companies, Surgilance Pte Ltd (renamed as MediPurpose Pte Ltd) and Medical Innovations Pte Ltd, which was subsequently sold to a listed company.
Besides innovating and developing new products, John has built several FDA-approved facilities in Singapore and Malaysia. He has good knowledge in Good Manufacturing Practices as well as international and Singapore quality standards such as ISO 9000, EN 13485 and CE mark. He is also experienced in the US FDA 510(K) and pre-market approval and regulatory process. John has also set up a factory for food-grade manufacturing and packaging in China.
John was based in Beijing for three years where he set up a China Emergency Response Training Centre. As the Executive Director, he led the design and development of the training programmes and managed strategic partnerships with the China Doctors and Nurses Association (CMDA) and World Bank.
John has extensive sales and marketing experience in the US selling through national and regional distributors into hospitals, alternate care and retail markets. He is also experienced in financial and fundraising where he can seek potential investors through angel investors, strategic partnerships and venture capitalists.
John has a Bachelor of Engineering (Honours) in Mechanical Engineering from the University of Glasgow, United Kingdom.
Hear more insights from John:
- IPI Webinar - Building an Agile MedTech Business in the New Normal
- Innovation Insights - Putting Start-ups on the Path to Commercial Success; Converting MedTech Solutions into Clinical Sales