
Many people pass through our stations and have multiple touch points with us.

There are different methodologies, approaches and a multitude of key performance indices to measure customers’ satisfaction. For example, there are yearly customer surveys conducted by various organisations. We also receive customer complaints and compliments.

While these are useful, we would like to know more about our customers’ feedback at a more targeted and real-time level. Surveys while useful, are based of a subset of the population, and take into account the information at a particular reference point in time only.

While customer complaints and compliments give us an idea, we only receive this in reference to specific instances e.g. equipment failure, good service received.


More targeted service improvement efforts based on better understanding of customer satisfaction.

We want to expand the net to capture more feedback and in a more real-time manner. We hope to get closer to the feedback directly linked to the commuter’s experience (e.g. the real-time pulse, feedback of our service from our commuters?)

Could we better understand commuter pain-points and sentiments by leveraging open-source data?

What can we explore to build a deeper understanding of trending, analysis and findings?

Desired Outcome

The proposed solution should effectively measure customer satisfaction.


Trade & Connectivity Challenge 2019
