Multi-Energy Systems and Grids will share facilities with Renewables’ Integration and Microgrids. In particular, the labs in Clean Tech One on Power Electronics and hybrid grids would be used. Labs in School of Electrical Engineering and Mechanical Engineering would also be used. For waste heat recovery projects, labs with IRP on Maritime Energy Test-bed (METB), in particular the diesel engine will be used for field-testing. As part of the Smart Multi-Energy Systems project, that was launched in April 2016, the CleanTech 3 building will be set up as a 2 MW AC/ DC hybrid grid and Clean Tech 3 will also have a 1 MW gas engine coupled to a double effect absorption chiller, a 2000 ton-hour (RTH) chilled water storage, a 300kW/300kWh battery storage and multi-energy management system that will be added).